If one is "too smart" to be partaking in "such nonsense", then the SCA is the place to do it. Unlike the "renfaires" at which one sees scantily-clad Xena: Warrior Princess -types gallivanting around with faerie wings and elf ears, the SCA is actually dedicated to recreating and reviving the most important and best-loved aspects and skills of the Middle ages all around the globe.
"The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a not-for-profit educational
organization devoted to the study of pre-seventeenth century Western Culture. It
concentrates on the European Middle Ages, Renaissance, and members work to
recreate the arts and skills of this era. Some members study the Middle East and
explore the interaction between Europe and Asia during the period under study.
The SCA was incorporated in 1968, but recognizes a tournament held in
Berkeley, California, on May 1, 1966, as its founding date."
"For Further Information
Several kingdoms have a specific guide for newcomers giving details about the
kingdom's operation, structure, and practices. If none is available at a local
meeting, write to the kingdom chatelaine or information officer to obtain one.
There may be a small fee.
Through the Office of the Stock Clerk (P.O. Box 360743, Milpitas, CA 95036-0743
USA) the SCA sells a number of helpful publications at modest prices. The most
comprehensive is the Known World Handbook which contains over 200 pages of
information on dozens of topics to help the newcomer learn about the SCA, as well as some "how-to" articles. Ask for a list of publications from the Stock Clerk.
You can also visit the online store at www.sca.org.
If you have any suggestions or additions for this newcomer's guide, if something
was not clear or was difficult to understand, or if something was missing that
you needed to know, please write to the SCA at the address above and let us
Keep in mind the three "P's": patience, persistence, and politeness. Be patient
with yourself while you are learning about the Society's medieval world. Be
patient with those you meet who may be so involved with their own affairs that
they fail to notice a new person. Persist in asking questions, seeking information,
and coming to meeting. Be polite and courteous in your dealings with other
Society members. Keep these guidelines in mind and you will soon be a welcome
member of the SCA."
(Copied from their official .pdf introductory literature, "Forward into the Past".)
Some links:
www.sca.org --- (Official SCA website)
http://www.sca.org/sca-intro.html --- (This is a brief history and explanation of the SCA and its origins.)
www.scademo.com --- (This site gives a preview of activities available to members, including many arts, sciences, sports, and combat skills.)
http://www.sca.org/findsca.html --- (This is a site to help you find a local SCA group near you)
There are many other links on the "links" page of the official website. I hope this information proves useful!
Me, I like trail mix. Man, I just really, really like trail mix.