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14 Sep 2008, 12:00 pm

Why do people keep trying to tell me that I'm wrong in wishing to be left alone!
Enough! I will have no more people telling me to socialize! Foolishness. The ultimate result of casual socializations in my area result in headaches and an itchy crotch. Might as well just save time, get myself drunk and buy a hooker, whilst I'm at it!

Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?


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14 Sep 2008, 12:09 pm

Nah, that's the extreme. A more realistic picture of casual socialization is a couple of friends going to lunch together, talking about nothing, and possibly spreading gossip.

I do think that if you don't want to socialize, you shouldn't have to. I don't socialize a lot, myself. The only drawback is that the social skills you have need some small amount of practice to stay up-to-date; but it's really not a LOT of practice.

The idea that loners are dangerous, losers, unhappy, or mentally unbalanced is a cultural stereotype... and we all know what stereotypes say about you--absolutely nothing!

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14 Sep 2008, 1:45 pm

don't force yourself mate, it's not the middle ages, nobody cares whether you're a recluse or not.

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14 Sep 2008, 1:56 pm

Ishmael wrote:
The ultimate result of casual socializations in my area result in headaches and an itchy crotch. Might as well just save time, get myself drunk and buy a hooker, whilst I'm at it!

Ummmm, okay then. More information than we really needed, but... whatever floats yer boat, man.

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14 Sep 2008, 2:14 pm

My mom also accused me of being a loner when I answered a question regarding where I eat in college. I told him most of the time I eat in my room, even though I occasionally eat in the dining hall. She told that it makes me a loner.

Then tell me, why do I often times go to my anime society meetings and anime conventions, also I usually go out in the city once a week?

Seriously, why some loners like me are the ones who don't get in trouble, while those who socialize (read: nightly vist to the bar and drink beer) get into trouble.


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14 Sep 2008, 3:48 pm

There's nothing wrong with being a loner.

NTs can't understand our desire to be alone any more than we can understand their need to constantly be around other people. To them, being alone is a terrible thing. Some of them are genuinely concerned for us; they think that we must be very unhappy when we're alone. Others just attack anything different from themselves, either out of fear or low self-esteem.

Autism Speaks does not speak for me. I am appalled to discover that Alex Plank has allied himself with an organization that is dedicated to eliminating autistic people. I no longer wish to have anything to do with Wrong Planet. Delete this account.

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14 Sep 2008, 5:18 pm

i've always been a loner but i don't like the word ina a sense. i've always preferred
individual which my mum always called me. i have had very few friends in life & cannot really keep long friendships down, i loose contact with most people. i'm the kind of person who if i make a friend, it has to be special. not just i want a friend, i've got to be facinated with that person. its right that people should not tell you what to do! i personally love being on my own than with people.

it's easier to critize somebody else than to see yourself!


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15 Sep 2008, 12:30 am

Techno Viking will ask the mighty Thor to strike down the defilers of your solitude!


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15 Sep 2008, 9:48 am

the only person you can trust is yourself...being a loner is bliss

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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15 Sep 2008, 4:53 pm

I'm alone right now. I don't like parties very often because I find them to be too impersonal. I value a few close friends over a thousand associates. Sometimes being alone is awesome, it allows me to clear my mind and be in my own little world. But I'll never turn down the opportunity to hang with some friends. I always like hanging out with a few people. And then there are times when I NEED to hang out with others, otherwise my mind won't stop racing. In times of emotional need, I'll hang out with others.


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15 Sep 2008, 5:18 pm

I have to want to socialize to really enjoy it. I guess if you don't want to socialize you don't have to.

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15 Sep 2008, 6:48 pm

I like to be alone. It's quite awkward being asked by genuinely concerned adults and peers during lunch why I'm sitting alone, and if I would prefer to sit with them. (NO thanks, I'm not lonely.) Being with other people is a lot of work, and I'm usually ignored in groups anyway. There are a few people I enjoy or don't mind being with, though.


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15 Sep 2008, 8:48 pm

Being a loner is great, they are always being mentioned in the newspaper!


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16 Sep 2008, 2:12 am

I don't socialise much either.

i go out sometimes to movies, to shops or to anime or pop culture conventions.

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16 Sep 2008, 3:10 am

Ishmael wrote:
Why do people keep trying to tell me that I'm wrong in wishing to be left alone!

That's because they are social people. They really don't understand.

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16 Sep 2008, 12:37 pm

Jkid wrote:
My mom also accused me of being a loner when I answered a question regarding where I eat in college. I told him most of the time I eat in my room, even though I occasionally eat in the dining hall. She told that it makes me a loner.

Then tell me, why do I often times go to my anime society meetings and anime conventions, also I usually go out in the city once a week?

Seriously, why some loners like me are the ones who don't get in trouble, while those who socialize (read: nightly vist to the bar and drink beer) get into trouble.

You bring up a vary valid issue, one that I've dealt with myself. I've been criticized because my socialization comes from a computer club, ham radio, in the past I was in a science fiction club, gone to science fiction conventions, and so on. To me, that is socializing with people you have a common interest with done in the amount you choose, is the best kind. In college, I didn't like to go out much but my sister did, so my parents would force me to go places with her and her friends, and I'd end up bored, miserable, just sitting there like a bump on a log.

I was glad when she finallly left home and I could just do my thing in peace. What made less sense was when my sister wasn't home, my parents had no problem with what I did at all, only when she was there. They were the same way about fun, as I found geeky activities that I enjoyed doing. My parents said I needed to have more "fun," and what I did wasn't "fun." I thought what was fun was up to the individual but they didn't see it that way, they thought only certain activities were "fun" and I had to do them so I could have "fun," yet I was often miserable when I did them. All they said is that I'd learn to enjoy them.

NTs can be totally insane in my opinion.


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