I am not quite ready for this, what could turn into a very interesting discussion - to which i will be wanting to contribute;
therefor i am responding to create a sort of bookmark, to return to in the hopefully not so distant future
I am phrasing what follows carefully, based on my own thinking &
critical intuition while reading up on the subject; while looking back
also at all sorts of 'symptoms' in my past - before self-diagnosing &
getting it confirmed
These 'symptoms' include things like taste, philosophical attitude, choices made, chances wasted (why, forgodsakewhy), talents & pitfalls, a (vague)
literary ambition with suitable self-observation and self-analysis -
and always the awareness of 'no, it doesn't fit, it's just not me'
and always at least the shadow of boredom hidden in the soul
- something is wrong
Something is also wrong in the present analysis of what autism is - the mere fact that the theorists require the presentation of a TRIADE of (behavioural) shortcomings, indicates to me that there MUST be a central theme to bind the three required elements:
problems in (1) social interaction (2) communication (3) imagination
What is the difference, for that matter, between 1-2?
Or, don't 1 and 2 require 3; i.e. could it be 3, expressing itself in 1/2?
And then, recently, i got hold of M. Delfos, A Strange World,
and found a genuine attempt to come to deeper understanding than
for instance Attwood, Gillberg, Peeters, Vermeulen, Frith
(although Uta Frith already points into the direction of similar thought)
I would now venture to say:
autism is a (developmental) disorder of the brain,
which leads to an underdeveloped (incomplete) 'self';
a weak self (& a weak sense of self - self-awareness) results in a problematic imagination; which consequentially affects all
forms of contact (first with 'self', subsequentially with others)
- obviously, these forms of contact include linguistic communication -
In one sentence: autism is a contact disorder
my intuition has always been that i somehow lacked contact with myself;
which i also noticed in an apparant lack of emotive awareness - it was in fact the concept of alexthymia the set me off on the final track of my long long journey to this then unknown goal of self-diagnosis
a point in every direction is the same as no point at all - or is it
may your god forgive you