Fayed wrote:
Basically, they have a rather shady track record in regards to Autistics engaging them. IE the bullying.
Also, AS supports the idea of curing Autism. I don't think its an understatement to say WP is very strongly anti-cure. Predictably there's friction between the two.
Not trying to offend anyone, just trying to put it in a more Objective light.
Sadly most parents parent's buy the crap
Does anyone remember the movie "Autism Every Day"??? It was a movie that Autism Speaks had made that really reinforced the stereotypes of what autism is. Also they have come under fire not only for the vid and pushing for a cure but also because their is not a single staff member or board member who is openly autistic.
Here is the vid
When Jesus Christ said love thy neighbor he was not making a suggestion he was stating the law of god.