Greentea wrote:
I guess it must be my version of stimming, then. But so many NTs have the chewing and sucking thing that I'm not sure.
Yes, that's basically what I was wondering. My psychologist said it would be considered a streotypy, but I wondered how common it was. I would love to know how common it is in people with ASDs vs people without. Because I know 'normal' people who bite on things as well, but taking it to extremes where I bite on the hard top piece on window blinds, remote control, etc. And I have REALLY bad teeth ... from my obsession with sugar and not taking care of my teeth as a child. But I floss heavily now. Every evening I spend 15-20 minutes flossing and cleaning my teeth. But now they are just so sensitive, I have to be careful how I bite onto things. But as Millie said ... HEAVEN!!
Millie, I used to do that with my pencils as well. I could always tell my pencils from those of others because I would chew right through them like a beaver through a tree trunk!