Nah, savant syndrome has to be more rare than that. The strong talents I see around here seem to be more a matter of intelligence, interest, and focus. Savant syndrome seems t happen when somebody has a brain that's practically built to do something, and being as a result a hundred times better than everybody else at it... Maybe Aspie talent is a weak sort of savant syndrome--it has the same characteristics, in that somebody with a natural talent and fascination for something becomes an expert at it--but savant syndrome is usually quite a striking characteristic, because that one skill is so very strong, both compared to the person's other skills and to other people's skills in that area. The general Aspie brain wiring isn't nearly so specialized... not that there aren't true Aspie savants; just that most of us aren't.
Pet peeve about savant syndrome: People dismissing savant skills as unimportant because they are the result of neurology... As if they weren't real skills, or as if other skills didn't involve neurology too! Hmph.