1. Spielberg - sociable - poor spelling/grammar
Was like this in grade school especially.
2. Einstein - high IQ, good with computers, expert on chosen subject
Einstein had a laptop? This I didn't know.
3. Powell - Aggressive, intelligent, hostile, stress.
I share all those characteristics. Tis true.
4. Numan - Daydreamer - spaces out.
Spacing out is, nowadays, my chief concern. I always have the spacy million miles away look to my face.
5. Morrissey - Separated, 'Alien'.
I am the most seperated alien of them all.
6. Nicholls - Hyperactive, can't keep friends - possible ADD.
Was like this in grade school, originally diagnosed ADHD that turned into ODD like behaviour that didn't earn me a lot of admiration and praise.
7. Carroll - Passive introverted, calm outside.
Too much like this. I think about ways to be more assertive constantly and rehearse scenarios in my mind but lose my nerve IRL.
8. Warhol - Confident, excessive monologues.
I did go through a Monologue Phase but it was so bothersome and absolutely annoying it was driving me crazy so I practiced controlling it with CBT. I experienced success. Confidence eludes me.
What type do you have?
I am not sure out of them what type i have.
I have ALL because I am this multifaceted talented, versatile genius at life.
My favorite is number 4, Gary Numan and I think I embody that persona.
Last edited by ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo on 25 Sep 2008, 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.