violet_yoshi wrote:
Then I also think sometimes theoretically, had my parents not gotten together I wouldn't exsist and how horrible that would be. I mean, in a sort of sense of not really knowing what it feels like to be non-exsistant, but I imagine it's not as good as being alive.
So what if I didn't have kids, and they would've had an enjoyable experience, but they never had that chance because I didn't give it to them.
I love those sorts of questions! For me, there's two possibilities - Either my mind existed b4 I was conceived, and created the causes ('karma') to be reborn autistic etc., or (more likely) there's nothing of us that can exist b4 birth or after death (including the 'feeling of being non-existent'), so that it's all random chance - a lottery - as to what kind of creature we were born as. I can't see enough evidence that there's some essence or plan (outside of space and time and apart from 'karma') that means we were destined to be who we are.
So either way, if your parents hadn't hit it off, you'd still be something, since we all have to be some1. Your personality, and the mind that deals with your personality, function as two separate properties, something I intend to prove
I'd never have kids though (partly y I've never had sex!), since I wouldn't wish my pain on anything - 'The greatest happiness for the greatest number' is enough morality to live by as far as I can see.
Last edited by undefineable on 08 Dec 2008, 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.