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02 Oct 2008, 9:04 am

I know it isn't necessarily aspergers, more like OCD), but I am very very sensitive to seeing gross movies that have alot of blood and gore. Especially when they show a person being tortured. I seem to feel almost emotionally traumatized, and will re-play the scene over and over in my mind even though I don't want to. It really makes me feel angry with myself because I don't know how other people can watch something gross and not seem to care or feel much of any emotion. They just act like it never happened and I'm sitting here feeling completely grossed out and traumatized. Are you like that too?

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02 Oct 2008, 9:21 am

I am so sorry nettiespagetti but why would you watch those sorts of movies anyway? Are you studying to be an emergency vehicle driver or some other sort of first responder? Those sorts of movies/video games/reading material are a choice to watch or do or read and certainly you can remove the offending material so you are not affected.

blood and gore, it's not for everyone!


who was watching the old 1930's movie "David Copperfield" in the kiddie matinee and when the stalwart man lost his life in the tempest at sea rescuing the cad that seduced away his truelove and stood in the movie theatre and thrust up a fist and screamed "NO, NO NO!!", I definately understand.

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02 Oct 2008, 9:24 am

Same but no problem with gore, serious issue with metamorphosis, i.e Jumangi boy turns monkey, The fly ec.


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02 Oct 2008, 9:31 am

I don't feel anything, whether fiction or no.


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02 Oct 2008, 9:38 am

sinsboldly wrote:
I am so sorry nettiespagetti but why would you watch those sorts of movies anyway? Are you studying to be an emergency vehicle driver or some other sort of first responder? Those sorts of movies/video games/reading material are a choice to watch or do or read and certainly you can remove the offending material so you are not affected.

blood and gore, it's not for everyone!


who was watching the old 1930's movie "David Copperfield" in the kiddie matinee and when the stalwart man lost his life in the tempest at sea rescuing the cad that seduced away his truelove and stood in the movie theatre and thrust up a fist and screamed "NO, NO NO!!", I definately understand.

I try not to! But they sneak it in on you sometimes! I can't sit around watching cartoons all day! ;-) The instance that's in my head was two nights ago we were watching a historical movie. I like history, but as we all know it can get pretty gory. I have watched other movies that are based on historical events and they didn't include so much gore, but this one, did. My husband picked it out though, for the record, and I did sort of yell at him "why would you get a gory movie like this it's sick!" and he just shrugged "I didn't know". Which he didn't, because some movies really aren't bad while some are simply disgusting!
I guess I picture it happening not only to me but to someone I love and I feel so bad thinking that stuff like this really did (or does) happen and it just sickens me to no end. Still obsessing two days later on that one stupid movie.

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02 Oct 2008, 9:41 am

Jenk wrote:
Same but no problem with gore, serious issue with metamorphosis, i.e Jumangi boy turns monkey, The fly ec.

Oh really? That wouldn't bother me... interesting. And like I already said, it is hard because you don't necessarily know what movies are going to include these things. They rate everything under the sun R these days.

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02 Oct 2008, 9:44 am

I hate gory movies and I definitely cannot stand movies or shows with vomit in it. It's not funny and I am not sure why some people find that stuff humorous. I hear you about playing the scene over and over again in your head. If you are affected negatively by something, that is what you will do.

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02 Oct 2008, 11:23 am

I hate gore too. I was really grossed out by it in Raiders of the Lost Ark, and didn't think it needed to be in the movie. But some people get off on it. :(

If it's a popular film, it may be reviewed by Screen It! ( - they will rate blood/gore (and 14 other categories) as none, minor, mild, moderate, heavy or extreme, and give a brief description, so you're warned which films are really bad and which aren't. Sometimes I remember to check, sometimes I don't.


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02 Oct 2008, 11:46 am

good observation except it is definetly an AS feature.

there is an impression that people with as have no emotion....this isnt is an inabbility to express or modulate emotion so the emotions we can experience are either too intense or too attenuated ( weakened).

so the spock like emotionless AS is an AS feature...but so is the person who cries and feels pain when they see and animal/vet show on television.

they describe "feeling" the pain....and this is losely described as a theory of mind issue......we can have the ability to place ourselves in another persons position but an inherehtn inability to understand what they are felling, so we can observe other people as objects and see them being tortured and be indifferent or we can watch a dog gettign injure don television and "feel" its pain.

no expression of emotion is incorrect.
inability to modulate emotions is more accurate.

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02 Oct 2008, 11:46 am

I've never cared for gorey films. It turns my stomach. Same goes for vomit scenes. I mean, is it really that necessary? Hitchcock scared the crap out of a lot of people with Psycho but he did it in a non-bloody way. However, I prefer kids'/teens' movies. LOL Just more my cup of tea, I suppose.

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02 Oct 2008, 12:03 pm

Depends on the gore. I'm okay with it up to a point. Anything vomit and brain involved I have to avoid though.

Although even I find myself a bit ironic in this regard for disliking gore in movies but I'm still such a fan of Berserk which is one of the goriest mangas around but it doesn't bother me so much in that case. :?

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02 Oct 2008, 12:11 pm

I have never been interested in the blood and gore, but as I am becomeing a bit more adventures like with the more grusome sci fis I do enjoy some of the action and a level of reality. One of my favirout sci fi creatures are the Predator and as long as it is not done in a gross out way like full on showing decapatated heads I dont mind it. For instance, I like it when aliens get killed or there is a cool kill from the Predator but the gruesome form of multiplation they put in AvPR was a bit much. Also I saw one of the Halloween movies where they have video cameras in a house and the real killer kills the people grusomely was pretty bad, and I personaly can not see why people seem to like those disgusting Saw movies those are bad.

All this talk of terrible vomit scenes reminds me of a part in Team America which totaly churned my stomache.

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02 Oct 2008, 12:24 pm

I used to be really bad with gorey movies growing up...I remember trying to watch movies like Leprechaun, Terminator 2, and Pet Semetary, and having to change the channel at all the really bad parts...but for some reason, I could watch Robocop almost every day. Go figure :?

Nowadays I'm a lot better, but I still can't look at the screen for certain types of stabbings (especially in very painful areas), or hypodermic needles, or self mutilation like when the guy goes to cut off his leg in Saw :x But most other stuff I'm fine with, and I really appreciate the work special effects guys put in...especially Rob Botin =)

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02 Oct 2008, 12:27 pm

I am NT and hate horror movies and violent depictions. They affect me much like you describe. They can weigh me down for days, or just pop up in my mind when I least expect it. The last "horror" type movie I saw was "Interview with a Vampire". I was depressed for a week!
My son on the spectrum is very sensitive to "scary" movies and cartoons. He could not even watch "A Night at the Museum" which is supposed to be a funny family movie. The big T-Rex skeleton coming to life and running around scared him too much! He hates Power Rangers and doesn't like cartoons or shows when the characters get into big trouble.

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02 Oct 2008, 2:00 pm

It make me fall asleep personally. Like that horrid movie Hostel. I likely would have fallen asleep had people not screamed so loud.

I don't like needless gore. It's stupid. It doesn’t make a movie scary. That isn’t what true horror is.


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02 Oct 2008, 2:29 pm

Gory movies don't bother me - mainly because I know they're not real. Gore isn't what makes a 'good' horror movie anyway. The fear of the Unknown is what drives a good horror flick. These days, there aren't many horror plots that haven't already been done, so to make up for a lack of a good story, movie producers ad directors go for the gore (the gross-out factor).

Comedy movies have the same problem. A good comedy relies on the unexpected (again, the Unknown) to make it funny. These days, if the story's not good, directors again go for the gross-out or the lame fart or vomiting scenes that are so overdone that I'll get up and leave the theatre as soon as I see it on the screen (once you see a gross-out scene or a fart joke, the movie is going downhill from there).

Comedy and horror have a lot in common.

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