sinsboldly wrote:
I am so sorry nettiespagetti but why would you watch those sorts of movies anyway? Are you studying to be an emergency vehicle driver or some other sort of first responder? Those sorts of movies/video games/reading material are a choice to watch or do or read and certainly you can remove the offending material so you are not affected.
blood and gore, it's not for everyone!
who was watching the old 1930's movie "David Copperfield" in the kiddie matinee and when the stalwart man lost his life in the tempest at sea rescuing the cad that seduced away his truelove and stood in the movie theatre and thrust up a fist and screamed "NO, NO NO!!", I definately understand.
I try not to! But they sneak it in on you sometimes! I can't sit around watching cartoons all day!

The instance that's in my head was two nights ago we were watching a historical movie. I like history, but as we all know it can get pretty gory. I have watched other movies that are based on historical events and they didn't include so much gore, but this one, did. My husband picked it out though, for the record, and I did sort of yell at him "why would you get a gory movie like this it's sick!" and he just shrugged "I didn't know". Which he didn't, because some movies really aren't bad while some are simply disgusting!
I guess I picture it happening not only to me but to someone I love and I feel so bad thinking that stuff like this really did (or does) happen and it just sickens me to no end. Still obsessing two days later on that one stupid movie.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former - Albert Einstein