Passage of Mental Health Parity (U.S.)

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04 Oct 2008, 10:56 am

For anyone familiar with such things, do you know if the passage of this law means that people on the autism spectrum can no longer be turned down for health insurance?

[url={04A655E9-E2CF-4E31-AEDA-C624E784C575}&dist=hppr]Here is the link.[/url]

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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04 Oct 2008, 1:21 pm

nominalist wrote:
For anyone familiar with such things, do you know if the passage of this law means that people on the autism spectrum can no longer be turned down for health insurance?

[url={04A655E9-E2CF-4E31-AEDA-C624E784C575}&dist=hppr]Here is the link.[/url]

That's great news, actually. This item was attached to that huge bail-out bill in order to get passed, so basically it was sneaked through amidst the rest of the pork, but at least something good came out of it! Insurance companies have been fighting against providing this kind of coverage for years and I'm glad they've finally pushed this legislation through.

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04 Oct 2008, 1:33 pm

...I am looking for the source, but I had read somewhere that developmental disorders were not included in the provisions of the bill passed... which means one could theoretically be treated for the depression, but without treatment for the underlying cause. If true, it makes getting the diagnosis more of a negative than something helpful. I seriously hope this is not the case (again, looking for where I had read that) yet would not be surprised at the same time.


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04 Oct 2008, 1:54 pm

This is the only reference I could find:

The health plan group said the state's new mental health parity law - which requires insurers to cover mental health treatment for people with substance abuse, eating disorders, and autism - offers families relief.

Mark A. Foster, Ph.D. (retired tenured sociology professor)
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