lightening020 wrote:
What I mean by that is, has anyone here ever told 100% the truth but told it like you were lying to see if it was (beleivably) UN-beleivable for fun???
Not really for fun.
In many jobs, and especially in the Navy, there is always at least one person on staff that is determined to prove that their most intelligent co-worker (usually me) is really just guessing, and that their "knowledge" is therefore worthless.
I told one guy that the boss "
absolutely, positively, did not want him to come in on Saturday and reconfigure the tool storage area." Not only did he do exactly the opposite, but he even tried to take full credit for both the act
and the idea. The boss told him to put everything back exactly where it was before, and then fired him afterwards.
I told one woman that the owner of the company would fire any woman who showed up for work in tight and/or revealing clothing. She disbelieved me, claiming that she always got along well with him in the past, and that she would prove me wrong the very next day. Within five minutes of walking in the door in her "Daisy Duke" shorts and tank top, she was summoned to the owner's office and immediately fired. It seems that the owner did not like anyone going against
her will, even though it was her husband who actually ran the place.
... and many, many more ...