I go to this conference every year, if I can. This year I only got 15 min to browse the exhibits, didn't get to hear the keynote speaker or go to the workshops.
It is a great event - there isn't anything like it in this area. I don't understand why someone would think it should be held in all state capitals... it is in this area because someone saw a need and worked to fill that need. It's put on by one woman, who learned how hard it is to find information about autism in this area of Maine. There are a lot of resources available, and she gets this information all in one place - it's amazing!
Yes, she has sponsors, including Autism Speaks. For their sponsorship, they get an ad in the program, and a table in the exhibit hall. But there are MANY exhibitors there, some of which are great, others of which promote their own variety of nonsense... yes, you have to use your own discretion. But it's AVAILABLE, which is a wonderful thing. I usually learn of at least one new resource, and that's worth it for me.