I personally have a "to each their own" (as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else) attitude towards things. Also, I love arguements (not fights) and if I can be proven wrong in my own mind, I will change my viewpoint. This has happened several times.
Now when people don't know the difference between the definition of a mammal and an animal, then I get a bit annoyed.
So, basically, I get pissed off about others being ignorant (expecially if they are stubborn about their ignorance), but have an open mind when it comes to most things.
Usually when I state my point of view vs. an actual fact, I will tell the person during the conversation. I would like to think that any scientifically minded person (aspie or not) would take "fact" as fact and "opinion" as opinion... however that is unfortunately not the case.
Humm, guess I should put something witty here, huh?