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28 Mar 2013, 2:04 pm

I was wondering if you guys have a hard time trusting NTs. For me, it always seems that the NTs that people tend to trust the most, I cant trust. These people are trusting people to other NTs but they tend to disprove of aspie ways. I had to develop my own aspie intuition although my intuition sucks to know who to trust and not. My mom referred me to this awful psych in the past who I eventually ended up fighting with. Talk about unprofessionalism. Around that time a slew of events were happening and I became more and more wary trying to develop my own intuition about whos good with me and who isnt.


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28 Mar 2013, 3:01 pm

There is only one normal person I trust and that is my workmate. Though I never told him I have Asperger's, I think he knows something is odd about me and has made great effort to make a system of communication that is visual based not verbal. He also made a binder with images for me to communicate with.


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28 Mar 2013, 3:06 pm

I learned the hard way after 67 years of experience, that there is nobody that can be trusted, NT or otherwise. It is also necessary to be very cautious about yourself, since we are programmed (read brainwashed) by the outside world. This specifically includes, the media, parents, churches, schools, and anyone who claims to be a "professional" in anything. It has taken me years to undo the programming I was subjected to from childhood thru my 20's. The best advice I can give is to trust nothing and trust no one and to be cautious about yourself.
Yes, I know this all sounds a bit harsh and I once did not believe all of this myself, but life has taught me otherwise and I am now a believer. Trust is for fools and children.

"A man needs a little madness...or else...he never dares cut the rope and be free."
Nikos Kazantzakis, ZORBA THE GREEK

Some of us just have a little more madness than others!


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28 Mar 2013, 4:02 pm

Anyone who cares more about appearance than results/accomplishments, I don't trust. Ditto for those who care more about being #1 than being better.

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28 Mar 2013, 4:35 pm

I have a hard time trusting people(NT or anything else) because of the way that I've been treated by others when I was younger. I was always the kid who never got picked as a partner or on a team when I was in grade school. I'm not even going to get started on the idiots at my high school. To this day, I'm still very surprised when people at college do things, like sit with me during lunch, want to work with me, or even say hello. I just have to remember that these people know nothing about my earlier years, so they actually talk to me like a human being. After so many years of getting ignored, I have a harder time trusting people, both old and new friends. The only person I can really trust is my mom because my dad can never make up his mind. Learning to trust people again would be nice, but I'm, afraid it's too late.


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28 Mar 2013, 4:43 pm

You could probably learn to trust a select few people, still. Didn't you just say you trust your mother? Maybe she knows some others you may be able to trust with time!

Your Aspie score: 98 of 200
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28 Mar 2013, 4:43 pm

I used to be overly trusting to the point that I was incredibly naive, and still can be if I reset to my default tendencies. The problem is that it gets me burned (hurt) rather badly and has even gotten me raped etc in the past. It also used to get me mocked by my peers who used to tell me all sorts and get me to do all sorts of things only to get me in trouble socially. I used to think they were playing some kind of social ritual/acceptance game, then I realised they were taking the p*ss out of me (it took me a while to catch on!).

These days I am not so much paranoid but wary and cautious of people sometimes, unless I have a moment where I forget and reset back to naive and overly trusting again.

As I am not good at reading peoples intentions I can tend to just take their word for is a very bad habit I have at times.


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28 Mar 2013, 4:52 pm

Ai_Ling wrote:
I was wondering if you guys have a hard time trusting NTs. For me, it always seems that the NTs that people tend to trust the most, I cant trust. These people are trusting people to other NTs but they tend to disprove of aspie ways. I had to develop my own aspie intuition although my intuition sucks to know who to trust and not. My mom referred me to this awful psych in the past who I eventually ended up fighting with. Talk about unprofessionalism. Around that time a slew of events were happening and I became more and more wary trying to develop my own intuition about whos good with me and who isnt.

Why generalize all NTs assuming they are all the same? Same goes for anyone on the spectrum, obviously we are all different.
If you trust only others on the spectrum, someone still may be out to get you.
If you don't open yourself to trusting NTs that seem to be truly good people, then it's your loss.
Not everyone is evil and out to get others.

Learn how to read vibes if you can't already. What are Aspie ways?
What does Aspie ways mean and include?
This is new to me, so i am curious. I'm HFA and don't consider myself an aspie.

One bad shrink.... oh my... many times there are bad shrinks out there. I've had at least 12-13 when i found a good shrink, stuck with him until he retired. That was my psychologist. Now i need to find another again. Yet a lot of times it's just finding the right shrink for you. This is common. There are unfortunately many so called "professionals" who act childish and will fight and get angry at patients. The forensic psych for my old county actually had a meltdown at me i was like whoaaaaa that s**t was crazy! Last person you'd expect too since he always had a calm demeanor prior. My mom witnessed it we we freaked. We left.

Take the time though as sometimes it takes many shrinks to find one that you can trust, or build up trust with.

There are many NTs out there that are good people. There are good and bad people in everything, even the spectrum. The trick is to weed out the bad ones.
Also how can we tell who is NT or not? Do we know others diagnosis?
Me personally, i do not look at faces or people much to observe their exact behaviors so how would i know if they are a NT as i'm not observant? I would have to get to know them.

There's a sociopath down the road and at first he seemed normal nice NT and i should have seen the signs, he was sadistically abusing his girlfriend emotionally, all of the sudden it clicked intuition kickback and i almost sliced him.

Everyone, NT and not seem to hide a lot. True, us spectrum folk are how we are. They see how we are and they know we're different.
People hide things really well which can be bad. Yet if you get good vibes off them, and they can still be bad like that time.

My gf says that she can pull off having the best intentions in the world and no one would know her intentions were truly bad. Now that statement just scared no wonder why i am paranoid.

Yet anybody can pass themselves off as such. I just think that spectrum folks are how we are naturally do how we do so yes we fall prey unless we too hunt.