I just got some candy corn, but I checked the package, and it's made in Mexico. These Mexicans just don't know how to make decent candy corn.
Anyway, this topic isn't very funny. Narcissism is a very serious matter; it affects more than 90 percent of self-righteous, arrogant prickheads. Truth is we're sinking down, faster and faster, in a sea of egotism. Luckily, doctors have discovered a cure for narcissism: death.
If you or someone you have tried to care about exhibits one or more of these symptoms, he or she may be suffering from narcissism:
- Runny nose
- Dry mouth
- Ego the size of Eurasia
- Know-it-all-ism
- Constipation
- Habitual lying
- Need for admiration
- Explosive diarrhea
Please, please, have them see a licensed clinical psychologist to begin treatment. The psycho therapist will administer death therapy, thereby removing the narcissism from the body.