Is anyone out here good at chess/poker?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Dec 2010, 12:25 pm

Since chess is all about planning and guessing how the opponent will react to your plans and changing the plan, I wonder if anyone with AS can be good at chess? Since poker is about following/ignoring subtle cues, how do y'all fare?


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31 Dec 2010, 12:28 pm

Maybe not really exceptionally great but I do like to play chess with the computer.


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31 Dec 2010, 12:30 pm

I've always sucked at Chess. :roll:


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31 Dec 2010, 12:33 pm

I like chess sometimes, but I'm not sure about how "good" I am at it.


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31 Dec 2010, 12:37 pm

I was ok at it, especially in the middle game. Too bad I don't get around to playing it much anymore.


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31 Dec 2010, 12:39 pm

I won't play poker. NOT great at anny bidding card game.

Chess - I am not bad if matched with a computer or nother player who does NOT memorize and deploy the Orlovski gambit from 1933 and all.

A favorite story -

I visit my uncle - BIG time competitive, unlike me - wbho DOES memorize the great moves. He challenges me to a game of chess. I say no no. He insists. I am polite, he's my uncle, it is his house - I play.

Uncle Haroun and Orlovski are trouncing me. But there is an interruption. If I were Tsarevich from 1933 Orlovski would ignore the distraction, but I am no Tsarevich, so Uncle Haroun goes off for a minute. I make my move. He comes back, and ever so tortoise and hare he does not study the board before moving, he just shove a knight or whatever. I suspect he was responding to the move Orlovski told him I would logically have to make. Two moves later I have him checkmated and he is FURIOUS. It was classic. I refused to play a second game.

AND another favorite story while I have your attention. Either just before or just after we were married, my wife and I played our first and last chess game. After ten moves a side, ALL of her men were in the northwest corner; all of mine were bunched in the sothwest corner. Not a pawn had been taken - both playing cautiously and defensively.

I won be default - she resigned because the tension was too much. I resist stressors better.

Never again.


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31 Dec 2010, 2:07 pm

Chess: Bad. I think I have won less than a dozen games out of the hundreds I have played in my life. I have a very hard time thinking a few moves in advance (related to poor executive functioning?) and I rarely see when a piece is in jeopardy (hyper-focus on one area over another?).

Poker: Excellent. But I've only played online poker regularly, so I don't think I'd feel safe in a professional tourney. But online, at least, I can calculate the odds quickly and I easily recognize the patterns (Aspergian strengths) of play of my opponents at the table.

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31 Dec 2010, 2:35 pm

I'm good at poker. But I tend to rely more on trying to predict probability and outcomes in the cards than reading other people. but if I play with someone for a few games, I will learn their patterns of behavior. But I'm virtually blind trying read someone I've never played with before.

I suck at chess. I wish I didn't, but I do. I just get too impatient with it. I'm better at Go. I'm not sure why though. Maybe because the rules are simpler.


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31 Dec 2010, 2:36 pm

Chess I'm pretty mediocre at. I'm good about thinking ahead a few moves, but tend to second guess myself constantly, making it take forever for me to take a turn. I have always loved turn based strategy games, so maybe that has helped to some degree.

Poker I'm pretty good at. I have a strange interest in trends, statistics, human behavior, etc., so when playing poker I can do pretty well. The problem comes when I start to lose interest. Poker just isn't really a game I've ever been interested in so I find myself purposely playing stupid just to get out of the game and get back to what I was doing.


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31 Dec 2010, 7:05 pm

i have never played poker, but i am fairly good a chess

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Sea Gull
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31 Dec 2010, 9:50 pm

I was quite good when around junior high. Never a chess master, but certain very above average. I don't have a very visual mind so it is difficult for me to visualize the whole board totally transformed X moves down the road. I do better at games where the movement of the pieces is uniform, or they don't move at all. Like Terrace or Pente.


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31 Dec 2010, 10:10 pm

I can play both, but I'm not particularly good at either. I do enjoy chess, though.


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31 Dec 2010, 10:24 pm

I suck at chess, but I'm pretty good at poker.

Snowy Owl
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31 Dec 2010, 11:25 pm

I rarely play chess but when I have I've rarely been beaten.

I'm very good at poker, as is most of my family.
I'm good at statistics and recognising patterns so it's not that surprising.


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14 Jun 2011, 3:52 pm

i think the highest my USCF rating ever went was in the 2090s.

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14 Jun 2011, 4:28 pm

I have a bizarre interest in chess, bizarre because I hate playing it. I have several books and like reading about the famous players and championships, but actually playing it brings me no pleasure at all. It's not just that I'm terrible at it; even when I manage to make a good move, I'm not enjoying myself. I can tell you all about the life of Bobby Fischer and plenty of other champions and the matches they played, but I'd rather lick a raccoon than actually play a game with anyone.

I'll certainly never again play traditional chess, since it favors preparation over skill. The best player is the one who memorizes ridiculous amounts of data, particularly openings. You have to devote your life to the game to be any good at it. If I ever play again, it'll only be Chess 960, aka Shuffle Chess, aka Fischer Random Chess. This is where you randomly shuffle the pieces on the back row, so that opening theory is useless and only the player's skill determines his performance.