Hi. Yes, I too have this problem. So, you are definitely not alone.
I have been through many conflicts where some of them were very crucial to my well being, and I just let the opposite party have their way. In the end, it left a huge mental and emotional scar in me for weeks to probably years, because I didn't stand up for what I thought was right in my sense of good judgement. Part of being the strong one is standing up against your fear (person's lack of wisdom and good judgement, for example). And in doing so, the best thing to do, is letting the other person know how you feel about a particular situation, and stating your thoughts 'honestly and truthfully'. No matter how the other person feels, because if that other person is going to insult you, lie to you, swear, etc. what they are showing to you is that they are foolish. I am learning that "bullies" can come in all shapes and sizes, and they can be very sneaky. They can be a stranger, or even someone that you know. And by bullies, I don't mean someone who wants to beat you up, it can even be someone who is in a simple conflict with you, and doesn't want to take the time to listen to what you have to say. Or, even have to consideration outside of themselves to think, "Hey, I'm not always right." If you're a little confused, than I can give you a very honest example: David vs Goliath. (If you're not a believer, that's fine, for Pete's sake, it's just an example..) Hope this helps or if you choose to harp about how it's too preachy, whatever. Just trying to help. Have a good day!