Soon to be released Beta "Chessgame" HarryPotter f
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I have just completed my Beta of the Chess Game
HarryPotter fan_Made video. It is being set up later
next week for a beta release here on WrongPlanet.
Pryaxis will setup the song credit part and the hosting
technicallity parts. I have to the best of my ability and
with the VIDSTER Digital Camera(once posted about), made
the cleanest copy possible at this time.
Soon, once it is fully titled and ready for submission to it will be coupled
with the B&W sirius that was beta'd here and the color/B&W
Sinatra that was beta'd here as a 3 Harry Potter fan_made
video submission to their site for consideration to their 150
other options that I have enjoyed.
this is the prior beta material wrote:
and please drop me comments:
Also..... is hopefully the
gracious host to include them in their 150 available video family.
I enjoy this hobby since it has allowed me to explore
the once mysterious iMovie on my Wallstreet PBG3. I hope
you enjoy the Harry Potter Fan_Made video as it was a labor
of interest to me.
Any inquiries, please contact Pyraxis since she is the
public relations(due to my inability to speak aspie'nese, or
the language of aspergers) and technical support, like
the finalities for Veritaserum once we get a approved
submission to swell into their ranks. She also is responsible
for setting up hosting our beta's.
I hope to see a beta release by sometime this week.