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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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25 Nov 2008, 1:58 pm

I'm at work, hiding in my room. Interacting with people is a bit more than I can take today. I rant a room to do massage out of, and pay rent in percentage of my profits. Boss/landlord is dissapointed, though not upset I had to cut back my hours due to NO appointment. Not much I can do about it. I want to quit. It Is not worth the money I make there. i have abouther job, but I really need money from both. So I must interact. And I'm having a major anxiety issue. And they rearranged my furniture! Why!!? It was how I liked it. No one else uses my room.

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25 Nov 2008, 2:05 pm

jade10025 wrote:
I'm at work, hiding in my room.
does this make any sence? how are you at work and in your room at the same time?
where is your boss? the living room?
and i had a meltdown the other day because i was tempted to drink but its gone now so i feel fine. :)

im usually not good at giving advice when im currently not in the situation so sorry

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25 Nov 2008, 2:10 pm

I am assuming the OP has an office.

Can you lock your door? Do so. Then crawl under your desk, curl up, and close your eyes. This should limit your sensory input and allow you to calm a little.

Works for me.

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25 Nov 2008, 2:11 pm

jade10025 wrote:
I'm at work, hiding in my room. Interacting with people is a bit more than I can take today. I rant a room to do massage out of, and pay rent in percentage of my profits. Boss/landlord is dissapointed, though not upset I had to cut back my hours due to NO appointment.

So who's responsible for filling appointments?
jade10025 wrote:
Not much I can do about it. I want to quit. It Is not worth the money I make there. i have abouther job, but I really need money from both. So I must interact. And I'm having a major anxiety issue.

So you rent a room? Doesn't that kinda make you the boss?
I'm confused about your working situation.
jade10025 wrote:
And they rearranged my furniture! Why!!? It was how I liked it. No one else uses my room.

Are you sure?
Have you asked "them" why the room was rearranged?
Sounds like you're having a crisis without knowing exactly why yet.

Just breathe, find the appropriate people and get some answers before heading down that spiral.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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25 Nov 2008, 4:42 pm

i rent a room out of a gym. We both are responsible for filling appointments, but the economy sucks, and my state has a pretty big unemployment rate right now. Hard to get people to spen money on a massage when they can't afford food.

I sat in my room in the dark for a bit. I am better now. Anxiety attacks are always worse this time of year.

I still don't understand why anyone would move the furniture around though. i also don't know why it bothers me so much. It shouldn't matter. I hate that it does.

Anyway, thanks for the sugestions.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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25 Nov 2008, 4:46 pm

Good luck. It's good that you had a room to hide in to calm down. My meltdowns tend to occur in the middle of class, which is embarrassing. :oops:


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25 Nov 2008, 6:14 pm

No kidding. Been there, done that.

Jade, I think the love of familiarity (and not liking to have your stuff moved) has something to do with being able to take the positions of things for granted, so you don't constantly have to re-process them. We tend to do things the same way each time because it's more efficient; and changing those habits that used to work so well gets annoying and takes more work than doing it the old way. Lots of people like familiarity, not just Aspies.

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25 Nov 2008, 7:59 pm

Agreed w/Callista; it's a matter of efficiency. Don't we have enough to deal with already? Getting the furniture right is something you do right off the bat, it's done, and then you move on to other things that require attention.

People often ask me why I am "inflexible." Why I tend to do things one way and one way only. From the perspective of the outside observer, it's idiosyncratic, eccentric.

But from MY perspective, it's simple efficiency.

If someone moved my furniture, I wouldn't bat an eyelash . . . I"D MOVE IT BACK in a split second, no questions asked, no tolerance given. It's MY furniture, MY room, it's arranged for ME and I've already, right at the start, determined where it needs to be for the purposes of MY use. Do I tell other people how to arrange their furniture? No. They should not try to do so with mine, and if they do, I'll rapidly, and without question, re-arrange it right back where I had it.

AND, if anyone had BOTHERED to ask me WHY the furniture was where I placed it, there is a very good reason. I stim by pacing, and the furniture is, all of it, against the walls of my apt so that it doesn't get in my way when doing so. What's the most surprising thing about this whole phenomena is that no one seems to think to ASK if there is a reason WHY I do the things I do. Almost always, there is. I am at a loss to explain this. Either the average person is so brainless that they cannot imagine that other people have reasons for doing the things they do (true in some cases, I imagine) or they simply cannot fathom anyone doing things for reasons they cannot identify (probable).


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25 Nov 2008, 8:17 pm

Speak to whoever moved the furniture and make it clear they are not to do so again without prior consent.