Boredom does get to me sometimes. Not so much as it used to when I was younger, and I tend to recognise it these days. Sometimes it's just the environment I need to change, other times it's more inside me, even stuff that normally interests me will lose its edge. Possibly linked to mind depression. It usually props me up if I can establish a new skill. Of course there are always drugs, though I don't really bother these days, it's hard to be bored on hallucinogens but they're not really sustainable. Amphetamines I never tried, they'd probably be great for a while but I wouldn't like the heart strain, and what's the point if I've got to come down again? Dope used to alleviate boredom wonderfully, but kind of lost its effect and I don't like the new skunk weed, it's not just too strong, it feels different to me.
It always brings me to life if I perform some music. Also taking reasonable risks - I tend to make myself too safe, so if I notice I'm bored I might look round for some part of my life that might benefit from taking a chance.
I think in a way it's like they say about relationships, if a relationship stops developing it gets boring and collapses. Ditto for the individual's mental journey, if that stops developing, boredom sets in. Got to keep dreaming up exciting new ventures. Nothing too earth shattering, it's enoigh for me to invent some little way to make my life a little easier. Sometimes I just need to push myself into taking a few pains to get some reward or other.
Sometimes I can do nothing for ages and all I feel is slightly concerned that nothing's getting done.