There are living organisms everywhere, even thermopiles in deep sea, sulphurous volcanic vents. I've studied advanced Biology. Organisms are around due to biochemical reactions. That's why there are living organisms everywhere apparently. Some of them may even outlast the human race.
Human beings have adapted to live in all kinds of environments, that's why we're found all over the world.
ephemerella wrote:
Some kind of really lonely and/or isolated college kid
Oh dear oh dear. I used to be a lonely isolated College Kid who was dxed with AS in the past, but who's parent's denied it. I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I really did try, but I didn't know how to initiate or participate in conversation. I was oblivious to this for years.
I think that there is ignorance on both the NT and the AS side.
Saying: "All NT people are nice." is a broad sweeping generalisation about a large group of people.
It's analogous to saying: "All British people are nice."
Some are nice, some aren't: that's probably true of AS people too.
People's moods change depending on stressors and the hour of the day too, so there aren't nice and nasty people: it's more complicated than that.
I can understand why some people are angry with the way that some "NT" people have treated them in the past though. But that doesn't intsrincally mean that all NT people are "bad". If you meet one "cowboy" plumber who does a "bodge-job" and over charges you: that doesn't mean that "all plumbers are bad."
Some of the nicest people I've known have probably come from both sides of the divide, as have some of the nastiest. That's why I don't like labeling people and can only deal with one person at a time.
I can only deal with people on an individual basis because I've found that broad generalisations:
don't work.