Tracker wrote:
Yeap, the word you are looking for is narcissistic. Basically nothing is their fault, the whole world is against them, and lying is their primary means of communication. They will constantly exaggerate, or strait up lie if it suits their self-delusions. They are also impervious to logic. Combine this with an overwhelming need to nag and complain about how everything is so unfair, and how everything is your fault, and how you never live up to expectations, etc. You can see how living with a narcissistic parent can be rather bothersome. I have a narcissistic mother, and a semi-aspie father (not enough to qualify for a diagnosis, but I can see where i get it from). So, I think I am in the same boat as Neshamaruach.
You've just described my mother to a T, so we are definitely in the same boat. My parents have both passed, but I continue trying to figure them out, just to have some peace about them. The closest diagnosis I've seen that describes my mother is Narcissistic Personality Disorder. My dad was definitely an Aspie, though I didn't realize it until the last few years.
He depended on her for his sense of normal. It was very bizarre. I have a lot of compassion for him now.
I'm still working on the compassion for my mother. If I could understand the source of her disorder, it might help. The only thing I've heard is that NPD usually derives from some very early breakage in the mother-infant bond, and that because of this (and because of the fact that the narcissistic person always thinks they're right), it is impervious to therapy. From what my mother told me, my grandmother never wanted to be married or to have children, so there is possible evidence for less than decent mothering, but again, we're talking about my mother's narration, which is not reliable. Other family members have said that my grandmother doted on my mother, and I remember my grandmother as very loving and very safe. It's possible that she grew into the role, but it's just as possible that my mother's craziness derives from a source I'll never know.
Anyone have any information on what causes NPD or BPD?