This is probably a stupid thread. I tried using the search function, and google in general first.
I also know there is this thing called practise in RL, I want to supplement the practise to learn faster.
-Is there something like The Complete Guide to Neurotypicals. It is all well and good for me to read over this year that several things I thought were completely normal are only experienced by me, so tell me, how does the rest of the world act then? How do they approach things if they're not using my unique way? How am I meant to relate to them if I don't know how they think, if I am 'different'. Is there anything that aids us to help understand their world?
-A guide to conversational skills, from small talk to how to introduce new topics when old one is dying right through to how to drive a conversation about deep+meaningful things. In year 11 a teacher told me that I need to use open ended questions and also picked up that I was throwing out saying lots of things because I already knew the answer (ie I know what subjects someone has on today because I asked them a week ago, so there is no point in asking, but apparently you still do this because it shows you are interested in them and you are making conversation). Its been the most valuable advice I've ever gotten, simply put I want more of it.
-How to read non verbal communication (I reckon that would be pretty hard to explain). The other day someone told me over the phone that I was upset so instead of denying it I tried asking them how they knew and he said from my voice. Then he was demonstrating what a happy + sad voice sounded like and I got those two examples but I feel very jealous now that others can pick up on so much that I didn't even know was there! I would love video examples if such a thing exists
If I think of more I'll post it
Also if anything doesn't make sense, tell me and I'll try to elaborate