zghost wrote:
hand him something else and hope it distracts him
Right answer ! !!
That's how I define
Theory of Mind. It's knowing what people are like, how they will react
in general. It goes against logic, against
my logic at least. Because I think literally. I think: "
The baby wants this paper" and I try to find a way to give/not give THIS paper to him. I don't grasp the very underlying logic that the baby's looking for
anything that will distract him in fact, and that a totally unrelated thing will be a solution too.
Translated to the work place: I kept working my ass off and my boss kept yelling at me that I wasn't working hard enough. So I worked longer and longer hours and harder and harder, and the boss kept yelling that I do nothing all day and work half days (I was working 11 hours a day average). My lack of Theory of Mind doesn't let me see what the boss
really wants from me. It's obvious that he knows I'm not lazy, he's trying to say something else that I'm not getting.
So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.