why doesn't anyone want to do things with me???

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06 Dec 2005, 8:04 pm

I thought things would be different this year! I'd have friends and we'd go out and do things together!! ! but NO! I amde friends with a girl and we did go out once, and she didn't really want to go, and I think she went as a sympathy thing. then she ditched me on halloween to go out with some guy!! ! I've asked to do things since but she never really gets back to me! I wasn't even invited to another girl's bday partyy, when I went last year! I ahven't been hanging with their group any more, but we still see each other and talk and ahve fun in classes and stuff! and there is this guy I new slightly since sixth grade, and he has something wrong or whatever. anyway he talks and acts like a little kid alot. but anyway my friend has a concert tonight and I thought I would ask him to go, since I don't want to go on m,y own. I got really excited, we were going to meet up and everything, and have a good time, and I got back from walkign the dog, and the phone rings. I pick it up just as my mom picks up the other end and here "Hi! it's me again. I've decided I don;t want to go to the concert after all." I didn't listen after that. Now I feel sad and disappointed and upset and I just want to give up.


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06 Dec 2005, 9:17 pm

Hey shades. I read. I dont know what to say though. Same thing happens to me.


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06 Dec 2005, 10:32 pm

I just went to the thing with my mom. she lost her car keys and we got there late. thenw e coulding find parking, so I came home. :cry:


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07 Dec 2005, 5:34 am

I totally understand, that's like, my life story. I've never been important enough.

I believe if people can't make time for you, you shouldn't have to make time for them. There's a whole bunch of people i'm purposley not inviting to my 21st and if they get offended they can get bent.

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07 Dec 2005, 6:14 am

I've been through simililiar situations a lot, people want you to do what they want to do and not what you want to do right?


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07 Dec 2005, 7:21 am

No, it's about being a low priority to other people, like you aren't worth their time and they've always got something better to do.

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07 Dec 2005, 7:31 am

Thats basically what i was saying but i didn't say it right lol. For me it's like people only have time if i want to do exactly what they are interested in doing. Otherwise, i'm a waste of their time.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Dec 2005, 8:02 am

Heya Shades.
I used to be in this situation all the time when I was in my first year of high school, but now I'm in year 11 I have learned to take it in a different way.
If they don't want anything to do with you then just think to yourself:
a) should I bother with those idiots who don't even give my personality a chance?
b) if they don't want anything to do with me, it's just one less friend for them! I can find someone else who will want a good friend!

Just think of it that way. And if they try and get at you, just blank it out. They can't say anything nasty about you when they're the ones who are choosing to be idiots! Don't let them get to you. They are just proving they are not worth having as a friend. You'll meet someone who will be there for you and will want to have you as a really good friend.

If you want you can be personal mates with me!
pm me if you want!
Lchadd_uk x


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07 Dec 2005, 8:57 am

You can do do that Lchadd, which I tried doing, and I soon found myself completely isolated with no friends at all and no one left who gave a damn about me. It only works if you have enough friends to go through, or really good friends who will stick with you no matter what. I still have the problem, and don't think it will get any easier since I've now finished school - If I couldn't hold a relationship with people I saw every day how am I going to do it when I don't see them at all?
I dunno what to do either, I don't have any good advice coz it happens to me :( It gets very depressing sometimes... especially when I know all the people who I call friends are going out together and I've been excluded. And even when you ask them out they say "Sorry I'm busy" and then you find out that there was another group thing on whhich you were excluded from. :(


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07 Dec 2005, 9:16 am

Yea I get that too. People only want to go places with me if they have something big to gain by it. This guy at my Vol. station, has been bugging me about setting up and learning to use his GPS. So I called him yesterday and said I was going Geocaching localy and he sould come along and I'd show him how to set his GPS up. did he? NOPE. decided to take a nap instead. *rolls eyes* ran into him on a call later in the evening and he was all wanting to hug on me and be stupid in public with me in my gear. (He knows better than to be acting like that in public with me anyhow on calls...) Guess it wasnt "convienent" to get that GPS thing down pat.
They fuss and complain at the station how stuff never gets done, or stuff needs to be done, or they needed an extra set of hands for this or that. I always say "call and ask, and I will help anytime Im off work". Have they EVER EVER asked? Nope. After the Christmas parties, the guys go out to drink with their wifes, girlfreinds, etc. I was invited once by one of the wives. (unfortunately that night I was not able to go b/c I had to work the next day). And my little sister whines that she has no one to haing out with when her hubby is at work, does she ask me to go anyplace.... not unless she doesnt want me to drive. humpth..... *crosses arms* *uncrosses arms to type* My last job was like that to the 10th degree.... Oh lets plan the lunch break stuff IN FRONT OF [Ladysmokeater] and never ask her to go.

Sorry, Im venting.... but it ticks me off.... Im HUMAN too! I'd like to attempt to build social skills, but how can I when I cant make any friends?!? I have feelings you know, It hurts not to be asked to go do stuff. It hurts to have no one to spend time with. Even if Im socially akward, I would at least like to spend time with people on occasion.
*makes fist and shakes it in air* It is really really frusterating! Augh!

*anger is gone* My "friends" from school have all gotten married and had kids, so Im no longer a priority. Im a name on the christmas card list, if that.
*shakes head*
What can be done?

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07 Dec 2005, 1:43 pm

there was someone ive been hanging out with a lot, and i thought she was my best friend for a while. but lately, whenever i ask her to hang out, she says yeah. but when the time comes down to it, she doesnt call, and whenever i call she doesnt answer. then the next day she either says something like she had to work late, or she got into an argument and wasnt in good enough a mood, or whatever. last time, she actually asked me if i wanted to hang out after she got off of work. she said to call her, but when i did, she never answered. im wondering if she's flaking out on me or what.

well i cant make a full judgement just yet, since i do know that she works a lot, and that she just moved in with one of her friends as a roommate.

the only time we ever do anything together is when we go to concerts or parties, and once bowling. there's an upcoming concert and i already have two tickets for the both of us. i know she's gonna work that one out because its one of her favorite bands. but i can never seem to get her to just, you know, "chill" with me.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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08 Dec 2005, 4:49 am

Well I fell out with my bestest friend last week because of this friend of hers who wanted me away from her, but I just ignored the friend and now we're best friends again!
I does work! As long as you deal with it the right way it does work 9 times out of 10! :D