tv wrote:
...maybe introduce him to ice skating, where he could use his spinning techniques?
Maybe I'm taking you too literally, but "his spinning techniques" (emphasis on
his) aren't likely to be adaptable to ice, where you have a minimal amount of contact area with the surface and virtually frictionless motion in two directions--it is a learned skill.
If he wants to learn to skate and is willing to listen to instruction, start slow, not get frustrated by mistakes (read,
falls), and practice a lot, then by all means find a patient instructor with a calm manner and let him try a few lessons.
If he's just going to go out on the ice and do whatever he wants to do (spin?), he's probably going to get badly hurt and you'd be better off just letting him spin in the yard.
And bear in mind that ice skating in inherently dangerous. My nephew, who was fairly gifted at other sports, broke his leg the first time he was ever on skates.