DJRnold wrote:
In it for the money, eh? I live in Canada and I was diagnosed for free. The person who diagnosed me was paid by someone, but they would have been paid no matter what they'd said.
Police write a quota of tickets, and someone running a Dx Machine had better come up with numbers that match the official numbers, just like back in school.
Hans was a Doctor, he came up with a story about Little Proffessors who would build Wunderwaffen, and he did not get sent to the Russian front. It worked.
The entire subject was dropped for twenty years till some English girl started it up again. Not much came of that, till there was an over production of psychos in the 1990s.
A decade later, an epidemic of new income.
In the 50s and 60s it was classy to have a shrink, then in the 70s they got busted for pushing speed and downers, lost their upscale accounts, who went on to coke, when the psych could not come up with the stuff.
Hard up for income they turned to children, it was not bad teachers, and six spoons of tropic white, sugar, for breakfast, it was a mental problem, but only children had it.
Now the funding says only people up to college age, an epidemic, that ends at 21, when funding ends.
It is a National Crisis, so blame it on the children and the taxpayer, just like always.