Very bizarrely I can remember learning simple words.
Seeing two different shaped cracks in a wall I asked "what's that?"
A: "a crack"
"what's that?" (the other one)
A: "another crack"
Seeing the letter C on the faucet and asking "what's that?"
I remember this incorrectly for sure but...
A: "It's a C. Nancy called it a silo-C" I really wonder what was really said then.
perhaps using phonetic analysis, it was really "and C is for Cold, that's why it's a C".
Seeing a basketball in a wicker basket and asking what it was made too much sense:
I remember thinking that basketballs are round pets that live in baskets.
Sometimes I'd ask a question my parents didn't hear while they were talking about something else. I saw lamp posts from the car and my parents said "idiots" about bad drivers and that is what I thought the lamp posts were called.
Sometimes they didn't know what I was asking about. The rain made an optical illusion of something rotating in a window and when I asked "what's that?" and my mother said "Catalog" because she was reading one and she was between me and that window.
I remember the first time I saw a road map and not knowing what it meant, and because of that, the memory of it is very different than after I knew what a map means, because it was an intensely complex pattern of mysterious colored lines and shapes to me then.
There was a lot of stuff about pondering what things were, when there was nobody to ask.
My neighbor had chickens and a rooster but I couldn't see them so I didn't know what was making the noises, so they were spooky in a mysterious way. I had seen a cow and I thought that I saw it peeing milk.
There was a tree that had been dented by a lawnmower and the dent looked to me like a door for squirrels that lived in the tree.
There were potholes in the sidewalk. One was shaped like a cat. The other one was shaped like a tiger or bear. The sidewalk also had scratch marks that I thought meant something in Chinese, because I had seen and asked about Chinese writing.
I remember visiting a family with a girl my age and accidentally locking both of us in the crib, and we immediately cried because we couldn't get out.
I remember if I was in a sandbox for a while for some reason I would hear my pulse in my ears and went in the house to hide from a giant whose footsteps were the sound of my pulse.
I remember that I used to literally "fall asleep" with a sensation of being on a giant swingset or slide, and that I used to usually silently shake for a while after waking up from a scarey dream.
All of the above were from when I was no more than 4 years old, I think.