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09 Jan 2010, 11:46 pm

Does aspergers impair the ability to drive? I believe I wont be a good driver as i sometimes panic when under pressure (if that has anything to do with driving) At least i dont have to pay for a car or drivers insurance, only 210$ for the train pass. I am 19 and dont have my license yet. Thankfully i live in a city with a commuter rail station :D


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10 Jan 2010, 12:03 am

I'm 26 and don't have my license and the few times I've tried driving, the driver's ed teachers have said "Some people aren't meant to drive." Lack of awareness or alertness on the road, driving through red lights, inability to park.


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10 Jan 2010, 12:22 am

Some seem fine with it, others not so much.


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10 Jan 2010, 12:24 am

I am fine with it, and parallel parking causes almost no stress for me :)


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10 Jan 2010, 1:02 am

I love driving! I drive a Ford SUV around a lot.


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10 Jan 2010, 1:06 am

I got my learner's permit and driver's liscence both at the normal ages.. I've done fine. Never had a ticket or anything like that. Of course, the place i live in isn't a busy area with a lot of traffic. I think i would have had more trouble if i lived in a big city. When first learning, i had a lot of anxiety.. But once you do it for a little while, it becomes easy. It can even be relaxing to me.


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10 Jan 2010, 1:21 am

I'm a terrible driver. I'm actually relieved I don't have a car right now. Interstate driving was particularly stressful. I was surprised to hear that 80% of people consider themselves above average drivers . . . I know I'm awful, why don't they?

I found driving difficult because I can't change lanes, can't predict the behavior of the drivers sharing the road with me, and have trouble at intersections, among other things.

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10 Jan 2010, 1:28 am

I don't drive, I'm terrified of driving! I'm 17 and my parents used to be completely understanding about it... but now they want me to learn before I go to college in the fall. I'm reallllllly nervous about it. :|

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10 Jan 2010, 2:05 am

I suck at driving.. I found that there was way too much to pay attention to, and that most situations didn't quite match the standard situations you read about for the test. (Like there were always all sorts of wonky intersections and stuff, and other people in the car had to make sense of them for me.) Predicting other drivers' actions was another big issue. I just couldn't think fast enough or pay attention well enough to be comfortable with it.

PS I'm 24.

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10 Jan 2010, 2:09 am

I have never been afraid of driving. I got my license at 16, though I lived in a small town so I didn't have to deal with hectic traffic.

When I went away to university in a large city, I left my car at home, mainly because paying for parking was far too expensive.
I then moved to a mid-sized city, and that is where I really learned to drive. There was heavy traffic, five lane highways, etc...

The busy highways and frenzied drivers never got to me, the worst is bumper to bumper barely crawling traffic...far too frustrating to me.

I have to admit, that while I have never been in a car wreck (not counting a minor fender-bender) my inattentiveness has gotten me pretty close.

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10 Jan 2010, 2:36 am

I am 32 and have a permit, if there were no other cars on the road I might brave a license, between being overwhelmed from aspergers and having my vision and motor skills affected by dyspraxia I am a danger, though I can park really well.


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10 Jan 2010, 2:45 am

I did not get my license until 26. I am still not a very good driver, and hate driving.


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10 Jan 2010, 3:55 am

I dont think aspergers has anything to do with it. I absolutely love driving. In fact given the choice (i.e time, cost and possibility) I will choose driving over flying. I often think I should have been a truck driver. Am I a good driver; considering the miles I must have clocked up and only one crash in 25 years - in which I was the victim of a VERY drunk driver - this would suggest that I am.

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10 Jan 2010, 4:06 am

ColdBlooded wrote:
I got my learner's permit and driver's liscence both at the normal ages.. I've done fine. Never had a ticket or anything like that. Of course, the place i live in isn't a busy area with a lot of traffic. I think i would have had more trouble if i lived in a big city. When first learning, i had a lot of anxiety.. But once you do it for a little while, it becomes easy. It can even be relaxing to me.
ditto i love driving and im better at it then most nt's most of nt's even stop at speedline :lol:

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10 Jan 2010, 4:18 am

i drive a toyota tacoma. got my license at 16 and have never been in a wreck


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10 Jan 2010, 4:33 am

I'm 22 (closing in on 23) and don't have a license. I'm not particularly fond of stepping into a machine that propels intself by making stuff explode inside of it and am even less fond of being amidst several of such machines while moving at a speed where any impact has a high chance of death or serious injury.

I'm quite comfortable with walking or riding a bike.