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14 Dec 2008, 6:58 pm

As an Aspie, I have come to learn that my number one social impediment is sarcasm. Tonight, when talking to a lady at church, I mentioned to her how much of a social impediment it is for me, at work and in pretty much any social sphere. She pointed out that this is in large part to the Scottish culture.

Having been born here, lived here and been a part of this culture all my life, I never thought about this but it's true. It made me realise how difficult this culture is for someone to live in, who has my personal presentation with AS. We talked about differences in sarcasm in different parts of the British Isles, and in different parts of America (well I know more about America) - for example Northern Ireland has a lot of sarcasm. The Republic of Ireland has a lot of sarcasm. And within England... there may be less of a sarcastic culture in some parts, which suits me, but cities like Newcastle and Liverpool are well known for having distinct cultures with distinctly high levels of sarcasm in their cultures.

Then there's America... I'd like to reference this thread (rather than explain its contents again). The contents of the post may well be explained by sarcasm in the culture of different places.

These are just observations I've made and thoughts I've had. Perhaps because of a map-like mind I am even more interested now in the differences in sarcasm in different places' cultures.


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14 Dec 2008, 7:07 pm

I am an immensly sarcastic person, my family hates it outta me, cuz they think my 5 yold brother might pick it up... But sarcasm is one of the things i have great difficulty with other people using...... I dont know whether that is the AS, or something else, but I believe it to be the AS.


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14 Dec 2008, 7:19 pm

Padium wrote:
I am an immensly sarcastic person, my family hates it outta me, cuz they think my 5 yold brother might pick it up... But sarcasm is one of the things i have great difficulty with other people using...... I dont know whether that is the AS, or something else, but I believe it to be the AS.

same here. I tease people endlessly, I'm very sarcastic, but when I'm on the receiving end I either don't get it or get offended and think I'm being attacked :roll:

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14 Dec 2008, 7:25 pm

I pick up sarcasm easily but try not to use it much. It's the lowest form of wit.


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14 Dec 2008, 7:54 pm

Keeno wrote:
As an Aspie, I have come to learn that my number one social impediment is sarcasm. Tonight, when talking to a lady at church, I mentioned to her how much of a social impediment it is for me, at work and in pretty much any social sphere. She pointed out that this is in large part to the Scottish culture.

Having been born here, lived here and been a part of this culture all my life, I never thought about this but it's true. It made me realise how difficult this culture is for someone to live in, who has my personal presentation with AS. We talked about differences in sarcasm in different parts of the British Isles, and in different parts of America (well I know more about America) - for example Northern Ireland has a lot of sarcasm. The Republic of Ireland has a lot of sarcasm. And within England... there may be less of a sarcastic culture in some parts, which suits me, but cities like Newcastle and Liverpool are well known for having distinct cultures with distinctly high levels of sarcasm in their cultures.

Then there's America... I'd like to reference this thread (rather than explain its contents again). The contents of the post may well be explained by sarcasm in the culture of different places.

These are just observations I've made and thoughts I've had. Perhaps because of a map-like mind I am even more interested now in the differences in sarcasm in different places' cultures.

I saw the moving "Breaking the Waves" about North Sea Oil bringing change to the local inhabitants of a very stalwart Calvinistic Scottish village. Is that what you mean?


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14 Dec 2008, 7:56 pm

I used to not get it at all, now I fully do and even am too sarcastic for my own good at times..

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14 Dec 2008, 8:02 pm

I am the most sarcastic person I know. Granted, I do not know everyone. However, I have yet to meet my match. Of course, I am hated for it. Fortunately I have other talents that make me somewhat useful at times.

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14 Dec 2008, 8:10 pm

I can be rather sarcastic and can pick it up when people change their tone of voice drastically when using it or if someone I know really well uses it (knowing their personnality and being able to see if something they said was WAY out of character or not). Other than that, I never know if someone is trying to insult me, is being a jerk, or is just being sarcastic.

Humm, guess I should put something witty here, huh?


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14 Dec 2008, 8:53 pm

sinsboldly wrote:
I saw the moving "Breaking the Waves" about North Sea Oil bringing change to the local inhabitants of a very stalwart Calvinistic Scottish village. Is that what you mean?


I haven't seen Breaking the Waves. But I have just been looking for information about the film. I assume you're talking about the patronising, condescending treatment given in the film to the character Bess McNeill (one or two other posts on WrongPlanet suggest Bess's character portrays an Aspie) and asking if this is the sort of sarcasm I mean? If so, no. But from what I've found out about it, I gotta make an effort to see it. From personal experience as an Aspie and attending a church here in Scotland, I can relate to so much of what I've found out about the film.

The sarcasm I was referring to is a sarcastic sense of humour in wider, everyday Scottish culture, and the use of irony. I have a struggle every day in this culture because I cannot recognise sarcasm when I hear it. This happens several times a day.

There is quite an in depth analysis of Breaking the Waves here.


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14 Dec 2008, 8:59 pm

Sarcasm is essentially my native tongue. I love it.


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14 Dec 2008, 9:12 pm

I can understand most of it, if it's been used before.
I tend to take plenty of things literally. One girl in my kindergarten class got in an argument with me, and made the stupid response "Bite me", so I did. :P


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14 Dec 2008, 9:22 pm

I never been vary good with sarcasm,
but my latist boss uses it all the time to joke around,
it took me forever to get used too it, and it drives him nuits as well me making constant puns,
we drive each other nuts, BUT, we seem to like each other and get along great.
many times though I still can not tell if he is joking or not.
and some of his jokes are totaly not funny to me but I say nothing and keep working,
OR, shoot back a pun related to his topic and in some way let him know it was not funny in a fun sort of way.


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14 Dec 2008, 9:30 pm

I am extremely sarcastic. But when someone else uses it, I always have to ask them if they are being sarcastic or not because I never can tell... :oops:

(I'm a Girl... ;) )

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14 Dec 2008, 9:51 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
I pick up sarcasm easily but try not to use it much. It's the lowest form of wit.

But often the funniest :lol:

I use and understand sarcasm as it's usage is often deliberatly absurd, and I understand absurdity to be funny because it goes against my tendancies to be logical and pedantic.

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14 Dec 2008, 10:15 pm

Padium wrote:
I am an immensly sarcastic person, my family hates it outta me, cuz they think my 5 yold brother might pick it up... But sarcasm is one of the things i have great difficulty with other people using...... I dont know whether that is the AS, or something else, but I believe it to be the AS.

I'm very sarcastic but I warn people before hand and try to fix a situation if I unintentionally offended. Some of that may be me goig to far but more often its people that are too senistive to match wits with me since I can shrug off almost anything said to me.


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15 Dec 2008, 12:25 am

SeizeTheDay wrote:
I am extremely sarcastic. But when someone else uses it, I always have to ask them if they are being sarcastic or not because I never can tell... :oops:

that is exactly me.... cept I don't ask, I just ignore it and look confused, waiting for the person to say "I was being sarcastic".... I am still very sarcastic myself tho.