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16 Dec 2008, 11:58 pm

What was your earliest memory and when?

Mine was atually my first christmas, and all I remember was the tree and its location it the room. I can confirm this cuz I asked my dad about the strange memory, and he actually questioned me about how I knew about it, because all the pictures of it were somewhere I couldnt get to at the time. I also have about 5 or 6 other memories between that time and 3.


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17 Dec 2008, 12:02 am

About an hour ago. No wait, it's gone.

Maybe when I was 4 or 5.


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17 Dec 2008, 12:10 am

Earliest memory?

Waking up and realising I did not wet the bed, at age 2 and a half. I have not wet the bed ever since.


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17 Dec 2008, 12:15 am

My 13 year old brother "dribbles" sometimes in his sleep, but doesn't wet the bed per say. But when he does do this, the medication that keeps him alive makes it smell so bad, that a single drop can be smelled from the next room over.

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17 Dec 2008, 12:26 am

Waking up in a hospital crib after having an operation at age 2 or 3 and being very cranky. I had my green blankies with me, a yellow sippy cup, a farm puzzle, and I had peach-colored one-piece pajamas on.

The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.


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17 Dec 2008, 1:44 am

Very bizarrely I can remember learning simple words.

Seeing two different shaped cracks in a wall I asked "what's that?"
A: "a crack"
"what's that?" (the other one)
A: "another crack"

Seeing the letter C on the faucet and asking "what's that?"
I remember this incorrectly for sure but...
A: "It's a C. Nancy called it a silo-C" I really wonder what was really said then.
perhaps using phonetic analysis, it was really "and C is for Cold, that's why it's a C".

Seeing a basketball in a wicker basket and asking what it was made too much sense:
I remember thinking that basketballs are round pets that live in baskets.

Sometimes I'd ask a question my parents didn't hear while they were talking about something else. I saw lamp posts from the car and my parents said "idiots" about bad drivers and that is what I thought the lamp posts were called.

Sometimes they didn't know what I was asking about. The rain made an optical illusion of something rotating in a window and when I asked "what's that?" and my mother said "Catalog" because she was reading one and she was between me and that window.

I remember the first time I saw a road map and not knowing what it meant, and because of that, the memory of it is very different than after I knew what a map means, because it was an intensely complex pattern of mysterious colored lines and shapes to me then.

There was a lot of stuff about pondering what things were, when there was nobody to ask.

My neighbor had chickens and a rooster but I couldn't see them so I didn't know what was making the noises, so they were spooky in a mysterious way. I had seen a cow and I thought that I saw it peeing milk.

There was a tree that had been dented by a lawnmower and the dent looked to me like a door for squirrels that lived in the tree.

There were potholes in the sidewalk. One was shaped like a cat. The other one was shaped like a tiger or bear. The sidewalk also had scratch marks that I thought meant something in Chinese, because I had seen and asked about Chinese writing.

I remember visiting a family with a girl my age and accidentally locking both of us in the crib, and we immediately cried because we couldn't get out.

I remember if I was in a sandbox for a while for some reason I would hear my pulse in my ears and went in the house to hide from a giant whose footsteps were the sound of my pulse.

I remember that I used to literally "fall asleep" with a sensation of being on a giant swingset or slide, and that I used to usually silently shake for a while after waking up from a scarey dream.

All of the above were from when I was no more than 4 years old, I think.

17 Dec 2008, 1:57 am

Summer of '87 I think. I remember being at this house where lot of kids went and the lady there had lot of toys. I didn't interact with anyone there, I kept to myself. I even remember what the first part of the house looked like. You go in and there was the living room and on the other side was the kitchen. I remember lying on the couch one day having my diaper changed by her and she starts to touch my folded skin down there and I remember how much I hated it. I didn't like the feeling. I am sure she was rubbing cream on me or I was getting a rash and she was just checking it out. I wasn't even two yet so I wouldn't know what she was exactly doing. I assume that was the place where I got put upstairs in a very hot room one day and was left alone. My mother came by to pick me up and she found me up there and my face was beat red and I was crying and screaming. I was sick for a week and my parents didn't take me back to that place, instead they found another daycare that was at a church. I don't remember the crib incident of course. My mother told me about it when I was 11.


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17 Dec 2008, 2:00 am

Playing the original Super Mario Bros on the original Nintendo.


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17 Dec 2008, 2:17 am

I do remember I lived in a house with no doors, just curtains separating the rooms. I remember crawling around like a dog and my dad yelling at me. There were lots of people over. I don't know why.
My neighbours had a shetland pony and I so wanted to own an old German Shepherd called Sheba that was abandoned by her owners. We fed her rice with bread and milk.
I remember being a climber. In our backyard there was a huge rock that my sister and me used to climb. I hurt my feet on it. I used to climb and swing on fences too.
I think I was 2 or 3.
I used to walk alone through my neighbourhood back then. I had no idea about strangers.
And I remember thinking my eldest sister and her friend almost drowned. Our backyard had a bay behind it.


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17 Dec 2008, 3:23 am

When I was 3 or 4 I remember sitting beneath a large Oak tree and being bitten by something that made my arm swell up


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17 Dec 2008, 3:31 am

I have a few from when i was two years old. I know i was two because we moved from that house when i was two. I remember the back creek area - especially the dappled light through the trees. i can remember the way the light fell. it strcuk me as dramatic - all those shards of light coming down and breaking into the shadows.

I also remember my red cardigan and a tartan skirt i was dressed in (and i hated skirts.)
I also remember knocking on the door of the old lady Mrs Boswell(or bosworth?) who lived next door and taught piano. Her door had frosted bubble glass and you could see her coming up the hall as you waited for her to open the door.

I also remember her front garden but oly very vaguely.

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17 Dec 2008, 5:44 am

Is this an aspie trait? I have memories from when I was 2/3 yeras old and remember just about every scenario that I've ever encountered since.


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17 Dec 2008, 5:52 am

I remember around age 1. My father sat me on a wall above a river and I felt scared. The date is obtainable because he found that river on a particular trip we took.

There are many other memories dating back to around infancy.


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17 Dec 2008, 5:55 am

Toddling between my mum and dad across the room as I was learning to walk, falling on my butt in the middle, and laughing. Then going back across the room and making it that time and stumbling into my mom's arms while she showered me with praise.

A very vivid memory indeed.

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17 Dec 2008, 6:11 am

The major Earthquake in Northridge, when I was two. I was right near the start of it. When i rember it, i see flashes, of my brother, and remember being in my crib, scared and standing up screaming and screaming. And I remember later walking in the living room, and seeing the Giant TV (one of those big thick backed ones) fallen out of the shelf, and my birds cage on the ground.


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17 Dec 2008, 5:21 pm

i do not sknow if it is anaspie trait, but i do know that most of my memories are concerned with details.