Crowds and annoyances for a new higschooler.

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06 Jan 2009, 10:21 am

I'm halfway through the year and still having problems with paranoia.
I have this weird feeling that people i know are talking about me, but i can't hear them over the crowd/My mp3 player.

What can i do?


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07 Jan 2009, 5:25 pm

You may be right!

I have had real experience of this before at High School and other people can gossip about you when you're not looking. I'd turn you mp3 player off for a while and listen just to check that it's not your imagination or background noise though.

When people used to say the odd bad word about me, I felt rather upset about it and though:
"How can they be saying those things about me?"

Then I thought:
"Why waste my energy worrying when I've got all these reports to write up?"

So I decided that it would be more productive to focus my energy on my school work and get good grades than worry about silly rumours that were flying around. I didn't let what other people said bother me. In fact I decided I was going to prove them wrong by working hard and showing what I could do. I carried on doing what I enjoyed and my homework.

I still kept an eye on the "problem" from a distance every now and then and acknowledged that there were people that were best avoided.

If anyone did have malicious intent towards me or anyone else I always reported it. But some things such as the odd word, I've found just aren't worrying about and are best ignored.

If someone threatens you directly or says unpleasant things directly to your face over several weeks and it's affecting your work, I'd report it to a teacher or another trusted adult.

You're probably the best judge of your school situation.
People sometimes do change their behaviour and how they talk about others as they grow up. They may not be saying those things in a few years time. Unfortunately some people do get very bored at school and say these things to while away the time. Sometimes it is just harmless teasing and messing around, other times it isn't.

Take care. :)


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07 Jan 2009, 5:28 pm

You've got way more guts than I had as a kid since I gave up in the 7th grade. Keep on truckin as they used to say and you'll eventually wear them down.
hats off to you to you for being so brave.

I am one of those people who your mother used to warn you about.


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07 Jan 2009, 7:50 pm

Thanks guys.
I'm just scared and freaked out a little bit.


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07 Jan 2009, 7:51 pm

Don't worry about them. They have so little of a life they need to find fault in other people to be happy and occupied, if that be the case.

I get paranoid about people, but if I hear something said, I never let it bother me. People aren't going to ruin my mood.

(I'm a Girl... ;) )

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