Color preference to the extreme?
I'm a very visualy oriented and stimulated person and I like my surroundings to be pleasing to my eye.
I like deep rich colors and lots of contrast.
I do have favorites, particularly earthy dark reds, dark greens & grays.
I dislike any shade of pink, bright yellow or light blue......(the carpet in my bedroom is light blue)
My favorite colors are alot more prevelant in my life than I cared to notice until recently.
For example:
House exterior is dark gray base, light gray trim, burgundy front door (purchased in that color scheem) all surrounded by dark green forrest.
Interior: (All painted by me) kitchen and basement bath = dark green
Den & master bath= dark red
Remainder of the house is various shades of gray with white trim (contrast) throughout the house.
I had 2 motorcycles..(still have one of them) was burgundy with silver accents, the other was silver with burgundy accents.
I'm currently sitting on the bed wearing a light gray t-shirt under a dark gray sweat shirt.... Sheets on the bed are burgundy, comforter is an earthtone base with segments of dark green & burgundy. My all time favorite winter shirt is Dark gray, burgundy & light the summer I'm almost always wearing a gray t-shirt.
So I was just wondering if anyone else has some particular colors that are dominant in their surroundings or am I just a freak?
If your not ableto control your surroundings, do you think you'd have some color dominance or patern if you were able to do so?
Last edited by Lurker_Extraordinaire on 09 Dec 2005, 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
extreme, not extreem!
I have chromaesthesia so colors do matter a lot to me. I go by my middle name because my first name is "the wrong color."
My favorite color is blue, especially a very rich purplish, bright blue. My middle name is blue which is why I go by it; my first name is yellow.
For clothes I always seem to collect dark blue unless I think about it and purposely choose a different color.
If I could get my house painted it would be blue...
Last edited by en_una_isla on 09 Dec 2005, 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not really. I mean I'm pretty lazy, too lazy to decorate really.
If I did decorate though, I know I'd at least choose cheerful bright colors.... but in general I seem to lack a fine, detailed aesthetic sense.
That's just me though (I don't generally to any population or group of people).
Just took this.......eerily accurate.
Your Existing Situation
Relatively inactive and in a static condition, while conflict of one sort or another prevents peace of mind. Unable to achieve relationships of the desired degree of mutual affection and understanding.
Your Stress Sources
Suppresses his innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that he might be carried away by it only to find himself pursuing some will-o'-the-wisp. Feels he has been misled and abused and has withdrawn to hold himself cautiously aloof from others. Keeps a careful and critical watch to see whether motives towards him are sincere--a watchfulness which easily develops into suspicion and distrust.
(*ding ding ding* scary how right the above is)
Your Restrained Characteristics
Emotionally inhibited. Feels forced to compromise, making it difficult for him to form a stable emotional attachment.
Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to achieve satisfaction from sexual activity.
Very exacting in the standards he applies to his choice of a partner and seeking a rather unrealistic perfection in his sex life.
Circumstances are restrictive and hampering, forcing him to forgo all joys and pleasures for the time being.
Your Desired Objective
Wants to establish himself and make an impact despite unfavorable circumstances and a general lack of appreciation.
Your Actual Problem
Works to strengthen his position and bolster his self-esteem by examining his own accomplishments (and those of others) with critical appraisal and scientific discrimination. Insists on having things clear-cut and unequivocal.
Your Actual Problem #2
Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety. Desires recognition and position, but is worried about his prospects. Reacts to this by protecting at any criticism and resisting any attempt to influence him. Tries to assert himself by meticulous control of detail in an effort to strengthen his position.
Your Existing Situation
Impulsive and irritable. His desires, and the actions involved, are paramount, with insufficient consideration being given to their consequences. This leads to, or arises from, stress and conflict.
Your Stress Sources
Delights in the tasteful, the gracious, and the sensitive, but maintains his attitude of critical appraisal and refuses to be swept off his feet unless genuineness and integrity can be absolutely vouched for. Therefore keeps a strict and watchful control on his emotional relationships as he must know exactly where he stands. Demands complete sincerity as a protection against his own tendency to be too trusting.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity but is inclined to be emotionally withdrawn, which prevents him from becoming deeply involved.
Circumstances are forcing him to compromise, to restrain his demands and hopes, and to forgo for the time being some of the things he wants.
Your Desired Objective
His need to feel more causative and to have a wider sphere of influence makes him restless and he is driven by his desires and hopes. May try to spread his activities over too wide a field.
Your Actual Problem
Intensely critical of the existing conditions which he feels are disorganized or insufficiently clear-cut. Is therefore seeking some solution which will clarify the situation and introduce a more acceptable degree of order and method.
I really like the color green.
Your Existing Situation
Active, but feels that insufficient progress or reward is being made for the effort exerted.
Your Stress Sources
Wants to overcome a feeling of emptiness and of separation from others. Believes that life still has far more to offer and that he may miss his share of experiences if he fails to make the best use of every opportunity. He therefore pursues his objectives with a fierce intensity and commits himself deeply and readily. Feels himself to be completely competent in any field in which he engages, and can sometimes be considered by others to be interfering or meddlesome.
Yes, I believe life has more to offer, and I do feel emptiness and separation from others. I do not feel myself to be completely confident in everything I do, though. I don't think I'm usually considered to be interfering or meddlesome at all—quite the opposite, probably.
Your Restrained Characteristics
The situation is preventing him from establishing himself, but he feels he must make the best of things as they are.
Feels rather isolated and alone, but is too reserved to allow himself to form deep attachments. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense.
Exactly, perhaps except for the egocentric and quick-to-take-offense parts.
Your Desired Objective
In despair and needs relief of some sort. Wants physical ease, a problem free security, and the chance to recover.
I don't even know what a "problem free security" means.
Your Actual Problem
The fear that he may be prevented from achieving the things he wants leads him into a relentless search for satisfaction in the pursuit of illusory or meaningless activities.
I don't know; I really don't do very much.
Your Actual Problem #2
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.
Yes, I feel restricted at college, without financial and transportational independence.
I did it a second time. I think it's cold reading; it says some things that apply to some people. We'll think it's dead-on accurate because it gets some things right by chance.
Your Existing Situation
Willing and adaptable. Only at peace when closely attached to a person, group, or organization on a which reliance can be placed.
Your Stress Sources
Wants a partner with whom he can share fully in an atmosphere of cloudless serenity, but his compulsion to demonstrate his individuality leads him to adopt a critical and demanding attitude. This introduces discord and leads to alternating periods of drawing closer and drawing apart, so that the ideal state he desires is not allowed to develop. Despite the urge to gratify his natural desires, he imposes a considerable self-restraint on his instincts in the belief that this demonstrates his superiority and raises him above the common herd. Discerning, critical and particular, having taste and discrimination. These qualities, combined with his tendency to judge things for himself and to express his opinions with authority. He enjoys the original, the ingenious and the subtle, striving to ally himself with others of similar taste who can help him in his intellectual unfolding. Desires admiration and the esteem of others.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Circumstances are such that he feels forced to compromise for the time being if he is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation.
Wants to broaden his fields of activity and insists that his hopes and ideas are realistic. Distressed by the fear that he may be prevented from doing what he wants; needs both peaceful conditions and quiet reassurance to restore his confidence.
Your Desired Objective
Seeks the determination and elasticity of will necessary to establish himself and to make himself independent despite the difficulties of his situation. Wants to overcome opposition and achieve recognition.
Your Actual Problem
Needs to be valued and respected as an exceptional individual, in order to increase his self-esteem and his feeling of personal worth. Resists mediocrity and sets himself high standards.
Your Actual Problem #2
Works to strengthen his position and bolster his self-esteem by examining his own accomplishments (and those of others) with critical appraisal and scientific discrimination. Insists on having things clear-cut and unequivocal.
Third time:
Your Existing Situation
Attracted by anything new, modern, or intriguing. Liable to the bored by the humdrum, the ordinary, or the traditional.
Your Stress Sources
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which he imposes of himself or by his own choice and decision.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Becomes distressed when his needs or desires are misunderstood and feels that he has no one to turn to or rely on. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense.
Willing to become emotionally involved as he feels rater isolated and alone. Egocentric and therefore quick to take offense, though he tries to avoid open conflict.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
Your Desired Objective
Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from stress, and freedom from conflicts or disagreement. Takes pains to control the situation and its problems by proceeding cautiously. Has sensitivity of feeling and a fine eye for detail.
Your Actual Problem
Does not wish to be involved in differences of opinion, contention or argument, preferring to be left in peace.
I like greens as well. My room is a bright light green. Yellows are good as well - especially if you're reading essays, I always print off my essays on yellow paper to proof read, but that isn't surroundings. Pretty much our whole house is painted green or white/cream, there are a few pink rooms which I find somewhat intimidating. Hmm I'm not sure what else.
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Blue toward the purple spectrum makes me salivate....figurativily, of course. My whole apartment is decorated with blue. My walls and couch would be blue if I was allowed to paint and if this couch and other funiture weren't my landlord's.
The color that makes my head hurt is turquoise because it looks like it can't make up its mind to be green or blue. I was looking for a blue rug and the only one I could find was turquoise. At least I don't feel bad when I waste stuff on it.
"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan
Mine was inaccurate.
My color preferences change periodically. I like the color black but it doesn't make me feel good. blue makes me feel good. i like to write with variations of orange, maroon and turquoise. most of the things i need to find quickly are orange red or yellow. my pants are blue black or tan. occasionally i have a green pair. my swim trunks are blue and red. in the summer i wear colorful hawaiian shirts. in the winter i wear button down oxford style shirts in white, blue, green or variations thereof. on weekends i wear blue plaid. i have a red flannel courduroy shirt.
i don't think i have any longstanding color preferences. maybe it just depends on my mood.
Raised by Wolves
if you are going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill
I am very affected by my visual environment. I, too, need contrast and perfer darker rooms to lighter ones. I generally prefer a lot of wood, the darker the better to even out white walls (the apartments won't allow me to paint). I also generally have a lot of darker clutter to cover too light spaces from where I generally sit.
I never use the energy-saving white lights because I prefer the warm yellow light of the regular bulbs. But as for a soothing color in a limited and small form, I really do enjoy a light shade of yellow.
But yes, dark and warm, blues mixed with reds and wood with some light patches so I'm not just looking into total darkness. And with lots of furniture all around and in the room. I can't bare sparse rooms or rooms with too much open space. I get nervous and it makes me feel... as though I'm going to fall into it or something.
I'd live in an old Victorian mansion if I could, with a lovely fireplace and all that dark wood and reds.
My Science blog, Science Over a Cuppa -
My partner's autism science blog, Cortical Chauvinism -
Your Existing Situation
Readily participates in things affording excitement or stimulation. Wants to feel exhilarated.
wrong on the first count
Your Stress Sources
The existing situation is disagreeable. Has an unsatisfied need to ally himself with others whose standards are as high as his own, and to stand out from the rank and file. His control of his sensual instincts restricts his ability to give himself, but the resulting isolation leads to the urge to surrender and allow himself to merge with another. This disturbs him, as such instincts are regarded as weaknesses to be overcome; he feels that only by continued self-restraint can he hope to maintain his attitude of individual superiority. Wants to be loved or admired for himself alone; needs attention, recognition, and the esteem of others.
surrender, surrender! But don't give yourself away!
Your Restrained Characteristics
Insists that his goals and realistic and sticks obstinately to them, even though circumstances are forcing him to compromise. Very exacting in the standards he applies to his choice of a partner.
Circumstances are such that he feels forced to compromise for the time being if he is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation.
Actually, I think my standards may be too relaxed at times
Your Desired Objective
Needs a peaceful environment. Wants release from stress, and freedom from conflicts or disagreement. Takes pains to control the situation and its problems by proceeding cautiously. Has sensitivity of feeling and a fine eye for detail.
Seems to be right
Your Actual Problem
Wants to be valued and respected, and seeks this from a close and peaceful association of mutual esteem.
I don't even know what a close and peaceful association of mutual esteem is
Your Actual Problem #2
Needs to achieve a stable and peaceful condition, enabling him to free himself of the worry that he may be prevented from achieving all the things he wants.
seems about right
"I reject your reality, and substitute my own" -Adam Savage
Joined: 17 Jul 2004
Age: 50
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Posts: 117,159
Location: In my little Olympic World of peace and love
My colour preference is Lime Green. I associate it with the mid to late 1960s and it makes me feel Groovy when I look at it. I also like Electric Blue. That colour also does something to my senses that I can't explain. And there's also bright Pink and Orange. I was definaltey born too late.
Color is a huge deal to me. I'm very picky about the color of anything that's associated with me or my surroundings... clothes, interior decoration, paper color, pen ink color, personal items like camera bag or dice, even the sticky notes in my office. The thread in my sewing kit is arranged according to hue, saturation, and value. I was annoyed to find out my apartment number and zip code when I moved here, because they didn't match and had no coherence. I've got a detailed schema of what every color represents, by mood and personality and how it matches up to synesthesia perceptions.
Yeah, I take my color preferences to extremes.
Your Existing Situation
Working to improve her image in the eyes of others in order to obtain their compliance and agreement with her needs and wishes.
Oookay... fairly accurate, though I don't much like to admit it.
Your Stress Sources
An existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory, but she feels unable to change it to bring about the sense of belonging which she needs. Unwilling to expose her vulnerability, she therefore continues to resist this state of affairs, but feels dependent on the attachment. This not only depresses her. but makes her irritable and impatient, producing considerable restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer.
Okay, this is a bit freaky, considering I took this test after just spending an hour grounding and centering in order to come out of overload. Though I'm in my apartment, I'm not alone, which is both unusual and stressful, and I was just trying to figure out how to explain the things I need to do to recover from human contact, which scares me. Yeah I'm irritable and restless and I most definitely have the urge to run away physically and mentally.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Insists that her goals and realistic and sticks obstinately to them, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very exacting in the standards she applies to her choice of a partner.
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity.
Circumstances are such that she feels forced to compromise for the time being if she is to avoid being cut off from affection or from full participation.
Insists goals are realistic? Definitely. Able to achieve satisfaction through sex?? Not even going to go there. Feels forced to compromise to avoid being cut off from affection? Hard one... I suppose so. Though you'll hear me insist over and over that I don't even have a desire for affection, my actions don't match that.
Your Desired Objective
Pursues her objectives with intensity and does not allow herself to be deflected from her purpose. Wants to overcome the obstacles with which she is faced and to achieve special recognition and standing from her success.
Still scarily true.
Your Actual Problem
Anxiety and restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional requirements, have produced stress. She tries to escape by intense activity, directed either towards personal success or towards variety of experience.
Fascinating. I know my anxiety's generally way higher than it should be, and I do throw myself into intensity to cure it.
I never use the energy-saving white lights because I prefer the warm yellow light of the regular bulbs. But as for a soothing color in a limited and small form, I really do enjoy a light shade of yellow.
Same here.
Shortly after I moved in I installed dimmer switches on all fixed light fixtures in the house.
A much more relaxing environment with the lights turned down... but I can have them on full blast if I need them for a project or something.
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