ephemerella wrote:
No I have to say I don't get ignored. But I say things that bother people.
Like the last time I was out with girlfriends, it was a "spa night" and we met up at a restaurant before our spa appointments. We were talking about what our interests were lately & I showed them the lectures I had downloaded on my iPhone from ITunesU -- Philosophy, public policy talks, Yale medical school seminars, PBS broadcast stuff. They just acted a little uncomfortable and one said that she never gets bored of just listening to music on her iPod. I think I gave them too much detailed information about the lectures I was listening to, and maybe made them feel like I was lecturing them, too.
I have a problem with giving too much information and not cutting it off soon enough.
Then, one asked about my necklace & I said I had made it myself. She said she never heard of that before. I told her I learned how to do that in Arizona. You only need a few tools and sometimes a small torch. That seemed to create a silence, too, where they didn't know what to say.
Mostly, I think even when it comes to girly stuff, like what's on my iPhone and a necklace, I'm an unusual geek and people don't know what to say.
What were the lectures about? I hardly listen to music anymore on my iPod. It's filled with audiobooks, lectures, and podcasts. I'm a big geek, though.