I tried to "fit in" in High School, I had never heard of AS and the only way I'd heard of Autism was "Rainman" of course. I must have done a really bad impersonation because I was not "accepted" in any way and was "that weird girl" from about 3rd grade on. It never changed. My Top SSG used to scream at me "Your the true individulist, you don't belong in this mans Army" and I'd agree and ask to be let out. I'd only joined to get to Europe (which was fabulous I must say.) Got out Honorably in 11mos. and 4 days. Did't fit in there either. And really tried, even into my 30's I was trying to "fit in" w/ other people even through it was all an act sorta. Looking intrested in their chitchat, nodding and laughing at the right moments. I dated a couple cops when I was younger and they explained a lot of things about reading Body Language, and how to tell when someone is not being truthful,ect. ect., and being detail-oriented really helped me learn it in all of it's minute complexities. Still no knowledge of AS at this point. But I finally got to where I could "play the game, and say my lines" well enough to support us. It may all be an act but I call it the Acadamy Award performance. One of the other girls I work with is possiably AS (on meds and won't work w/out them. her, not me)and we high-five at the beginning of the shift and tell each other how it's time to "get our fake on" Finally I'v quit trying to fit in and am really happy just being the way I am. Even at my job now, I'm just "reading my lines" Most of my customers don't suspect anything , the ones who've been coming there for years know somethings up proably. They all know about my daughter, and theres TONS of Dr.s there, so maybe they know, but I don't really care anymore. I like not being a "sheep" Wish I had known about AS sooner, would have saved me a lot of inner conflict thruout my life I think.
Did I dream this belief, or did I believe this dream?
Peter Gabriel
If only closed minds came with closed mouths. Lau: "But where would they put their feet?" Postpaleo: "Up their ass."