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23 Dec 2008, 2:43 am

I do not know why. when i was in college the first couple years is when this happened. I used to maybe in my dorm throw up but nothing would come out. once I threw up in my dorm and didn't know why. no alcohol or anything like that something to do with the dining hall perhaps. wish I remembered more. anyone else have unexplainable physical reactions?

All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.

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-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD


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23 Dec 2008, 3:33 am

It was most probably stress-related, do you find college stressful? do you have social phobia?
If you said these things it would be easier to understand and conclude why but if it was for no reason you can think of then you probably had an infection or something


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23 Dec 2008, 3:38 am

i myself have had the same problem the past 2 months and i would wager its stress related. ive had a ton of issues in my personal life that have all added up at an increasingly frightening speed. the throwing up only ever occurs when something on that list is brought up in my life in a disturbing and painful way. so yeah, my guess would be stress


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23 Dec 2008, 3:48 am

I used to have panic attacks that manifested in a similar way. Although I would never actually throw up, I would find myself choking and gagging and even retching at times, feeling like my throat was being constricted. Not nice.

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23 Dec 2008, 6:41 pm

I've had this but mine was definitely food poisoning.
Probably stress too.

Once I almost threw up in the middle of a lecture.
I had to apologise and run out it was horribly inconvenient.
The chicken was undercooked and I filed a letter of complaint.
Nothing happened though.

My digestive system couldn't cope with the food.
I had very bad anaemia and diarrhea after that.

Everyone else avoided the chicken.

Everyone else was living off of pot-noodles instead.

I couldn't concentrate because the food was either undercooked or un-nourising.

Prisons spent more money on food than our old canteen.


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24 Dec 2008, 4:50 am

I have two physical reactions that I didn't understand for years. I knew the trigger, but not why.

The first one I discovered was when I was getting my hair cut. I found that when the razor got to a certain point on the back of my neck, that it caused such a sensation that made my leg kick. It's hard to stop this, and I have to focus to prevent it.

My stomach has massive touch aversion. Not touch aversion from myself, touch aversion from other people. Even my little dog can trigger it. It twitches and sucks itself in, I can't control it really. I've wanted to freak out and just yell at people trying to tickle me, but I couldn't bring myself to it - I'd have to explain why, and I just knew they wouldn't understand, and I didn't want anyone I knew to know anyways. Instead I would just defend myself, and tell them I didn't like to be touched (which is true anyways).


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25 Dec 2008, 2:35 am

jmfoster wrote:
It was most probably stress-related, do you find college stressful? do you have social phobia?
If you said these things it would be easier to understand and conclude why but if it was for no reason you can think of then you probably had an infection or something


nah college wasn't hugely stressful. a little social-phobic but not serious. wow shoulda seen the doctor.

All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.

-HL Mencken

-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD


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25 Dec 2008, 2:58 am

well I went to a pretty big state school with more than 30k students. my first dorm where i only lived in the first semester was on the far side of campus. so a huge walk to classes. the walking can bog you down.

you know the bad food theory isn't a bad one. dining hall food wasn't considered good. i often wouldn't eat a full meal. i think the amount of choices were decent because of the number and different kinds of students but I had just come off living my pre-college life as a vegetarian as my family is that way.

so that made it worse.

maybe i'm just weak that way.

I also in college have been pretty sick with the flu, the likes of which I haven't seen since then.
the only time in the last 2 yrs i've been sick i think, well maybe 1 other time is when I was taking care of my sick nephew. including sleeping with him during naptime.

All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.

-HL Mencken

-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD