The perfume department, and front door...

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24 Dec 2008, 12:50 pm

I went to the local mall two nights ago with my grandmother, and we went into both the Bay and Sears, and in their perfume department, which is also the store entrance, the floors were so covered in perfume, cologne, etc, that my non slip shoes could not easily grip the floor. What makes this so, is that because perfume and that are oil based, it is not hard for a small layer to become dangerous. Worst part was the fragrences were not even complimentary to each other and just made me feel sick. Why should places like this be allowed to have such a dangerous floor in a public area where most people are wearing normal shoes.


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24 Dec 2008, 1:07 pm

Forget the slippery footing, I can't go near these places as the smell makes me physically naseous. I'm allergic to scents, and have to use unscented shaving soap.

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24 Dec 2008, 1:14 pm

I guess I'm lucky I have a very weak sense of smell, I have never had many issues with xcents, unless they are piled on top of each other in ways that make me feel sick.


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24 Dec 2008, 1:20 pm

Ugh, and they try to spray you with them. Try this scent, try this cream.....
Never noticed a problem with the floor there, since I go WIDE around them.
That stuff gives my a headache, can't wear any of it.


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24 Dec 2008, 1:39 pm

I don't go into these places either, as the stench makes my sinuses and throat hurt instantly. So, as far as the flooring goes...don't set a foot on it! :wink:


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24 Dec 2008, 2:16 pm

I never thought of the slippery floor issue (since I avoid those places, and am usually wearing shoes with tread), but that's a good point.

For me, it's the chemicals in the perfume that they insist on spraying all over. Never mind the smell. I can handle good smells and bad smells, for the most part. But a lot of those perfumes have an ingredient that makes me feeling like a sledge hammer has been taken to the front of my head. Especially anything with the name Calvin Klein. To me, that name equals "headache perfume."

The worst part is that the people who wear that stuff and spray it all over REFUSE to get it through their heads that it effects certain people this way. So, they spray it all over themselves before coming to work in the morning, and act like YOU are the one who just needs to get over your attitude problem.

I could live the rest of my life quite happily without ever having to go into one of those big shopping malls again. The perfume counters are just one of many things I hate about those places.


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24 Dec 2008, 2:44 pm

Any perfume scent has always been too much scent for me.

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24 Dec 2008, 2:49 pm

The floors are probably washed nightly and periodically rinsed during the day depending on how wet the weather is out side.
What I'm saying is that there's a good chance that the condition of the floor that you speak off is simply a case of a well waxed but otherly clean floor.

elderwanda wrote:
The worst part is that the people who wear that stuff and spray it all over REFUSE to get it through their heads that it effects certain people this way. So, they spray it all over themselves before coming to work in the morning, and act like YOU are the one who just needs to get over your attitude problem.

Its normal for the senses to turn themselves down after prolonged exposure to a phenomena.
(Not all of us are blessed with that normal response.)
Even though someone might stink pretty to high heaven, after X amount of time they can no longer smell that scent and assume its all dissipated, so they spray more on.

They might also be physically sensitive to the chemicals in the perfume products but are failing to associate the symptoms to the source.

I can avoid shopping malls with their perfume counters. What troubles me are all the stink pretty scents infants and toddlers are exposed to from the hygiene products used in their diaper changing.

I feel so sorry for the infants and toddlers. I only have to smell the stink pretty products when I use a public toilet with a baby changing station
but they're trapped in that world until they're potty trained.

If any of them are like me, where their olfactory don't turn themselves down, it must be pure hell.


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24 Dec 2008, 5:51 pm

My scents-itivity has gotten so bad, the ladies and gents at church give me an upset stomech due to the perfumes and colognes. And they like to hug me. I come home and have to take a nap to get rid of the dizziness.

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24 Dec 2008, 5:56 pm

This reminds me of an episode of Spongebob where Spongebob and Patrick are trapped on the Flying Dutchman's ship. The only way out is to go through the perfume department, so they have this segment where Spongebob and Patrick run through the perfume department, and it's a parody of a war scene. Like they're being attacked by the perfume, and I think Spongebob ends up being dragged across the screen by Patrick saying something like "I can't go on!"


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24 Dec 2008, 5:57 pm

I am alergic to perfume. It makes my nose stuff up, my eyes water and i sneeze. I avoid the detergent isle at the grocery store if I can.


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25 Dec 2008, 6:39 am

I can deal with people wearing perfume, or with the perfume department, but I certainly don't find it pleasant. (And the floor being covered in a layer of perfume? That's just gross. Not to mention unsafe.)

What I find worse than the perfume department in the mall is the hair-styling places. They always reek of hair products. It's awful. I would always have to walk past them really fast; thankfully, I think the one in the nearby mall is gone now.

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