Advertising is what makes America Great, and only a terrorist would speak against them.
Advertising helps people find products, which is the Free Enterprise System! Without it life would be a socialist nightmare of the government chosing what industries to support, a centerally directed economy, where money losing businesses would be refunded their losses, bailed out, by government, all paid for by putting the people in debt for generations to come.
That is the road to serfdom, to enslaving generations in debt servitude!
There are but two choices, click on Support Wrong Planet Awareness at the top of the page, and donate to keep the site running, or put up with the ads provided by a third party, who has little idea what this place is other than a billboard.
Many of the regular posters have donated, and that provided enough funds to keep Wrong planet going for almost a month. I think it was spent on a used server.
Hosting this site costs every month, donations do not cover costs, ads do.
We are being kept by Zwinkys!
It is the only way to cover Alex's million dollar a year income, and $250,000 Christmas bonus.