Jol wrote:
But anyway, people who join mensa are usually full of themselves I'd rather cut my fingers off then join them.
There are a few people like that, and it's a sad thing. But most of the people I know through MENSA are wonderful friendly people and very humble too - most of them don't really understand how they got in, since they don't consider themselves to be smarter than anyone else. It's a shame that MENSA gets a bad rap for being an elitist organisation. It's actually full of amazingly interesting people from a vast variety of backgrounds, with some really fascinating opinions and ideas to share and debate.[/quote]
I'm sure there are some wonderful people there, but at the end of the day you have a group of people who consider themselves smarter/better then everyone else - correct me if I am wrong here, but mensa people honestly think they are smarter then others.
Any group that refuses admitance because they have a differing opinion on something whether it be intellegence, race, sex can go screw themselves.
I know thats prolly a bit strong but frankly how could anyone get any enjoyment from joining a club where you are all pretty much the same - sure they come from different places but even when they are disagreeing they have already agreed on many base principals. Heck if you wanna hang out with some interesting people why not try an org that doesn't have "w*ker" written on it's forhead I.E. Scouts, Freemason, Rotary, WorldVision, Sea Shepphards (just examples)
.. Anyone here figured out I don't like anything to do with MENSA yet?