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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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16 Jan 2009, 3:00 pm

What's that?

1. Lack of social interests or/and unusual social behaviour (like social obsessions), total lack of nonverbal communication (facial expression, especially eye contact)

2. Restricted and obsessive interests (e.g about maps, transport, projects, word stereotypies), motor mannerisms such as body rocking or walking in the circle

3. Unconventional thinking: specific and strange compulsions (such and controlling or shame about phrases), visual fantasies, ideas, can have sometimes even perceptual experiences

4. Lack of serious visual-spatial, language disorders and severe deficits in theory of mind (but mild can be obtained)

5. Mood disorders: from severe agitation to significant depression, characteristic physical fear about body

This probably isn't NVLD or AS but it is developmental disorder.


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16 Jan 2009, 4:37 pm

I have NLD (NVLD) and that sounds almost nothing like me at all.

1. I am actually very social and I make friends easily. Eye contact has never been a problem for me.

2. Yes, I do have restricted obsessions, but I do not have any 'motor mannerisms'.

3. I'm very logical in thinking.

4. I had a language delay when I was little, but I was already capable of reading at age two. All of this is no problem for me now, or has been in a long time.

5. I am moody, but what just-turned twenty-year-old isn't?


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16 Jan 2009, 5:57 pm

Can be AS, I think.


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16 Jan 2009, 6:07 pm

stopthisphorum wrote:
What's that?

1. Lack of social interests or/and unusual social behaviour (like social obsessions), total lack of nonverbal communication (facial expression, especially eye contact)

2. Restricted and obsessive interests (e.g about maps, transport, projects, word stereotypies), motor mannerisms such as body rocking or walking in the circle

3. Unconventional thinking: specific and strange compulsions (such and controlling or shame about phrases), visual fantasies, ideas, can have sometimes even perceptual experiences

4. Lack of serious visual-spatial, language disorders and severe deficits in theory of mind (but mild can be obtained)

5. Mood disorders: from severe agitation to significant depression, characteristic physical fear about body

This probably isn't NVLD or AS but it is developmental disorder.

1. I think soo...

2. The obsessive intrests thing duh. And it goes too far...

3. Say's who I am. COMPLETELY.
:oops: :wink:

4. HELL YES. Why do you think i'm even here?

5. YEP...I think soo.

-Soo there you have it...I guess I would have this 'NVLD', though I dunno what the HELL that mean's, but....I would defenetly concider it some kind of disorder, I think (or at least at the level I have it anyways or the like).

Oh, you said it wasn't NVLD? Still (although I am tired) sound's like me a lot....


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16 Jan 2009, 9:35 pm

NVLD pretty much requires serious problems with visual-spatial processing, so probably not NVLD. Maybe AS though, or maybe something like schizotypal or schizoid personality disorder. For AS, you must have a severe impairment in social interaction (not just just nonverbal communication).

Note: For poster who does not know what NLD/NVLD (nonverbal learning disorder) is, there is a sticky about it at the top of this forum.

Not all those who wander are lost... but I generally am.


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16 Jan 2009, 9:45 pm

Part of that seems like Asperger's, but number 3 specifically is a symptom of both Schizotypal and schizoid personality disorders.

Number 4 is the only symptom that I could directly relate to NVLD. If a person posted asking what disorder they had while showing all of those traits, I would suggest that they had Asperger's Syndrome co-morbid with Schizotypal.

(Schizoid's main characteristic is that the person has absolutely no desire to partake in interpersonal relationships and instead is perfectly content to live life in a narcissistic fashion.)


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16 Jan 2009, 9:48 pm

...does 'Schizoid' have anything to do with 'Schizophrenia'? :? Just asking...Cause they sound sorta simular. lol

(PS: I attached a siggy now, and, my topic is in there...please don't let it die. :cry: Sorry if I sound like a whiney little girl...I sorta am one anyways...meh....)

CHOP CHOP CHOP BLOOOCCK!! !! !! !! *shooted*

I'm happy with how I am, I don't care if nobody understand's. Because i'm just me, nomatter what.

And, yes...i'm 18 years old. Or I could be 12. Does it even matter?


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16 Jan 2009, 9:53 pm

Lack of serious visual-spatial, language disorders and severe deficits in theory of mind (but mild can be obtained)

Wait, are you saying that you seriously lack visual-spatial skills or that you lack a disorder in visual-spatial skills?

If you are saying that you lack a DISORDER, then forget what I said in my previous post about NVLD, because this is almost certainly Asperger's. Although some people with Asperger's/High functioning autism have issues with visual-spacial skills, there are also many excel in this area and are skilled mechanics.

Language disorders are not necessary for a diagnosis for Asperger's, some people simply have a stutter when stressed and that's as bad as that part will ever get for them. Asperger's seems to be more focused on being able to verbalize one's thoughts rather than being able to clearly communicate what the lips already have the message to say.

Severe deficits in theory of mind are also unnecessary - research has shown that many regular (neurotypical) people have problems in this area as well.


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16 Jan 2009, 9:59 pm

cmastler wrote:
...does 'Schizoid' have anything to do with 'Schizophrenia'? :? Just asking...Cause they sound sorta simular. lol

(PS: I attached a siggy now, and, my topic is in there...please don't let it die. :cry: Sorry if I sound like a whiney little girl...I sorta am one anyways...meh....)

Schiz- is a Greek root which means "split", and schizophrenia literally means "split mind".

People who have disorders whose names begin with "schiz-" are considered to be "split" from reality, usually having bizarre delusions/fears or ideas of reference, sometimes becoming very cold and distant from society and withdrawn inside their own mind.

Don't worry yourself with this definition though - autism is something completely different (although there are a few similarities). With autism, it is possible to love, feel emotions and rationalize, while the same can't be always be said with "schizo-" type disorders.