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01 Jan 2009, 3:29 pm

I know that it has been claimed that mercury is responsible for autism, and that chelation therapy has been suggested as a treatment. I would be interested to know which chelation drug is normally used by those MDs. The different drugs do very different things.

For instance one site suggests that EDTA is a good drug for the removal of lead. ... erview.htm, but Ole Andersen in Chemical Reviews, 1999, 2683 commeted that EDTA causes lead in rats to move into the brain. While the overall amount of lead in the rat might go down the level in the brain could increase which is not good. This suggests that EDTA could do more harm than good.

I think that mercury is not to blame and chelation therapy is not able to "cure" autism. What do the other Wrong Planet citizens know about the drugs which are being used for autism related chelation "therapy".

Health is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity :alien: I am not a jigsaw, I am a free man !

Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.


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01 Jan 2009, 3:46 pm

actually it's the first I've heard of it. A quick Google should turn up any number of medical studies. Understanding them, however, is different.


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01 Jan 2009, 3:51 pm

Cion really a good idea. Besides, AT IT'S BEST, it is NOT A CURE! It can NOT remove damage that has been done. At it's best it simply removes the offending element that could conceivably cause more damage. Of course, at it's worst it can spread the offending element, and damage something else. And isn't EDTA used in food quite a bit? Is it also used for chelation of mercury?


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01 Jan 2009, 4:07 pm

I know a bit about this because my mother was treated using Chelation for her heart condition. It did help with that. It involves an IV and a drug that removes heavy metals and calcium, and takes a few hours every two weeks. I think her artery condition was caused by calcium deposits and a bad diet. Anyway, the chelation helped her condition and she won't be needing open heart surgery. The process involves needle sticks and long periods of stillness and waiting. In some cases, such as this particular heart condition, which involves a clog at an odd angle in an artery that cannot be unblocked using angioplasty, it really makes a difference. The chelation cleared it and a bypass was avoided.
It does have merits.
As far as therapy for autistic children, I have read on WP autistic children develop at different times and at different rates than NTs. My question would be what difference would the chelation make? If it doesn't make any difference my answer to anyone considering it for autistic children would be no. Don't have it. Be a protective advocate, I would say to parents. Be wary, even when you are stressed out and at your wits end.

Last edited by ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo on 01 Jan 2009, 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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01 Jan 2009, 4:14 pm

There are 2 major points against it.

The first is the possibility of being lethal, which makes me wonder why parents risk their kids lives over something that's not even proven to work.

The death of a 5-year-old autistic boy has raised questions about whether a medical treatment aimed at cleaning the body of heavy metals should be used to treat the neurological and developmental disorder.

Officials said they do not know for sure what killed Abubakar Tariq Nadama, who went into cardiac arrest and died Tuesday after receiving his third chelation therapy treatment at a suburban medical clinic. State police were investigating.

The boy was undergoing the therapy at Advanced Integrative Medicine Center in Portersville, about 35 miles northwest of Pittsburgh. Neither the boy's doctor, Roy E. Kerry, nor a representative from the center returned a call for comment.

The second point would be that NIMH has refused to even try human studies on it, considering it caused brain damage in the rats they tested it on.

Any parent who tries chelation on their kid after knowing both these points should have CPS called on them.


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01 Jan 2009, 4:18 pm

I called my mom, it is a drug that's used, I thought it was a machine. I haven't been with her to the therapy sessions, they take several hours, so I wasn't sure what's involved.


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01 Jan 2009, 4:24 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:
Cion really a good idea. Besides, AT IT'S BEST, it is NOT A CURE! It can NOT remove damage that has been done. At it's best it simply removes the offending element that could conceivably cause more damage. Of course, at it's worst it can spread the offending element, and damage something else. And isn't EDTA used in food quite a bit? Is it also used for chelation of mercury?

Hrmm, thats kind of disturbing. I took a look at the wikipedia entry for EDTA and it had a list of specialised uses: wrote:
More specialised uses

* Food

added as preservative to prevent catalytic oxidation by metal ions or stabilizer and for iron fortification.[5]

* Approved by the FDA as a preservative in packaged foods, vitamins, and baby food.[citation needed]
* Personal care

added to cosmetics to improve product stability.[6]

* Oil production

added into the borehole to inhibit mineral precipitation.[citation needed]

* Dairy and beverage industry

cleaning milk stains from bottles.[citation needed]

* Flue gas cleaning

removal of NOx.

* Soft drinks containing ascorbic acid and sodium benzoate, to mitigate formation of benzene (a carcinogen).[7]
* Recycling

recovery of lead from used lead acid batteries.

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01 Jan 2009, 6:16 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
I know a bit about this because my mother was treated using Chelation for her heart condition. It did help with that. It involves an IV and a drug that removes heavy metals and calcium, and takes a few hours every two weeks. I think her artery condition was caused by calcium deposits and a bad diet. Anyway, the chelation helped her condition and she won't be needing open heart surgery. The process involves needle sticks and long periods of stillness and waiting. In some cases, such as this particular heart condition, which involves a clog at an odd angle in an artery that cannot be unblocked using angioplasty, it really makes a difference. The chelation cleared it and a bypass was avoided.
It does have merits.
As far as therapy for autistic children, I have read on WP autistic children develop at different times and at different rates than NTs. My question would be what difference would the chelation make? If it doesn't make any difference my answer to anyone considering it for autistic children would be no. Don't have it. Be a protective advocate, I would say to parents. Be wary, even when you are stressed out and at your wits end.

A deficiency of calcium can, short term, cause osteoporosis, and arthritis. Long term it can cause osteogenisus imperfecta, loss of muscle control, breakdown of the nervous system and, OH YEAH, HEART DAMAGE AND HEART ATTACK!! !! !!

I think it is obvious that they simply used something to break down the plaque and clear the arteries. Are you sure it was TRULY chelation? Many things like plaque DO have calcium, but removal of calcium system wide is DISASTROUS! BTW Calcium is perhaps the most needed element by the human body! The RDA is about 1GRAM!! !! !! I think the only element that comes close is Magnesium, at 0.4Grams. If you take WAY too much, or there is a deficiency of things, like magnesium, calcium CAN cause kidney stones, etc... And, YEP, CAN contribute to plaque. If you don't take enough, don't expect to remain healthy for very long.

And let's not forget! 100% chelation of calcium would leave you WORTHLESS as a person. Unable to eat, move in any productive way, etc.... And that is not even considering the use by soft tissue. Your muscles would be convulsing against themselves with no bone to provide support, for example! I imagine you would be in a lot of pain, if alive and able to perceive it. OH, what am I talking about!? You would die of a heart attack LONG before that.

Calcium is burned by lots of things. As you walk, it is used not only to maintain strong bones, and help in other ways, but even for muscle movement itself. Luckily, you DO have a lot in bones. If you don't get enough calcium, your body will simply eat bone which leads to things like osteoporosis, and arthritis.


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01 Jan 2009, 6:40 pm

BTW as much I hate mercury, I bet THESE are the areas I got the most in:

1. "amalgam" fillings. I was LIED to and told they were silver! I asked what they were MADE of! GRANTED, even when young, I suspected the melting point was too high, and should have known, but I thought they were SUPPOSED to be HELPFUL.
2. Fish(I ate a lot of tuna, for example)
3. Various idiotic COMMON sources.
4. Vaccines(probably about as much as a couple of the worst tunafish sandwiches)


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01 Jan 2009, 8:23 pm

My 13 yold brother is on one form of chelation for a completly different thing, and he would die a brutally painful death otherwise. He gets transfusions every 3 weeks to keep his red blood cell count normal, as he does not produce any himself, and becuase of it, he has high iron levels that would rise to a lethal point if it were not for dysferral that he takes through a needle 5 nights a week. He puts the needle in, and has to leave it in while a pump gives him the dosage over time. Chelation does have its uses, autism is not one of them.


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01 Jan 2009, 8:41 pm

I don't know wat the specific drugs are, but I think you'll find that the Asperger's community by and large believes chelation for AS to be a fraud. There is no scientific evidence it works; when you ask the believers about it, you get a lot about conspiracy theories. The NIH was going to do a study, since there is so much belief in it out there, but dropped it because of all the dangers inherent to chelation.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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01 Jan 2009, 8:44 pm

I'm not sure if that's the kind of calcium this is, 2u. This is the stuff that can clog an artery and impact it. Not a good scene. It's a deposit. Bank deposits are welcome, calcium deposits are not. That crusty stuff that collects on the water faucets in the bathroom and hangs from the ceilings in caves.
I don't think it's 100% chelation of calcium. It's enough to keep the blood flowing.
Anyway, she's so much healthier in all ways because of this. Even psychologically. What a difference. It's kind of like she's a new person and I wish this would have happened years ago. Who knows, maybe she had lead poisoning and this chelation therapy is removing that too. I am not sure why, exactly, just that it's good in her case.


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01 Jan 2009, 9:09 pm

2ukenkerl wrote:
BTW as much I hate mercury, I bet THESE are the areas I got the most in:

1. "amalgam" fillings. I was LIED to and told they were silver! I asked what they were MADE of! GRANTED, even when young, I suspected the melting point was too high, and should have known, but I thought they were SUPPOSED to be HELPFUL.

You don't really expect a dentist to know this do you. They don't even seem to know the correct answer when you ask "will this hurt".

BTW: There was someone on WP not long ago claiming to have been "cured" by Chelation but I'm not sure if they were for real or just trolling.


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01 Jan 2009, 9:16 pm

2 and Ana, it is the same chelation. The American Heart Association says that there is no proven link, but the theory is that it will trap and let the body excrete the calcium leaving the plaque diminished enough to finish breaking the plaque down.

As for chelation for treatment for Autism, I get into the debate a lot with parents I know (and some I don't). It's not proven to work. If you decide for whatever reason to get into an argument over it with curebies, remember citing the cardiac death will fall on deaf ears. They will say it's one case of malpractice and that chelation is "safe."

Can chelation therapy be dangerous?
EDTA isn’t totally safe as a drug. There’s a real danger of kidney failure. (renal tubular necrosis). EDTA can also cause bone marrow depression, shock, low blood pressure (hypotension), convulsions, disturbances of regular heart rhythm (cardiac arrhythmias), allergic-type reactions and respiratory arrest.

In fact, a number of deaths in the United States have been linked with chelation therapy. Also, some people are on dialysis because of kidney failure caused, at least in part, by chelation therapy.

The American Heart Association is concerned that some people who rely on this therapy may delay undergoing proven therapies like drugs or surgery until it’s too late. This is the added danger of relying on an unproven "miracle cure."

Clearly, people who choose chelation therapy are risking more than money.

As Padium said, there are some really GOOD uses for chelation. They will save the lives of people who have true metal poisoning. But I cringe each time I hear someone talk about using it on their children. I wouldn't do it to myself, let alone my kids!

For parents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder:

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01 Jan 2009, 9:19 pm

There is information on the use of chelation for the treatment of diseases other than heavy metal poisoning at this site:

The treatment regimen for autistics is generally more aggressive than what is used for real chelation. They also inject some vitamins and minerals.

We have had multiple people (some of them professionals) mention chelation for our Kanner autistic son.

There is no bleeping way I would consider it for my child. I do understand why some people do though.


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01 Jan 2009, 9:29 pm

Apparently there've been about 30 deaths so far...

re. mercury amalgam fillings... as far as we can tell the mercury's chemically bound and doesn't leach out in any form that can be absorbed by the human body... If you want to play it safe, just brush your teeth so you don't need any fillings. (And no guarantee that the plastic fillings are safe either.)

chelation is likely to cause further brain damage... at the very least it upsets the balance of the body and creates physical stress... Some of the most aggressively treated kids are probably turning out lower functioning than they could be, because so much time is spent on cure and not enough on education.

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