mitharatowen wrote:
I came to an interesting realization this Saturday. I went to a sporting event with my husband and if you've ever been, you know how they do silly things and play exciting music to try to generate 'hype' and excitement in the crowd. I suppose it was subconscious because I didn't realize it at first, but I figured out after a while that I was intentionally opposing this because I did not want to get carried away with the crowd. It feels like I am giving up myself if I let myself feel the emotions that they are specifically trying to inspire in me.
Another example is the national anthem. They specifically try to make you feel pride and nationalism. I resist these as well.
I found it interesting because it seems like most people are very happy to give themselves away and get carried along with the mood of the crowd. It actually does mean that I probably enjoy the event less than the others who are letting themselves experience the 'hype' but I just can't let myself go like that. I think that the best way for me to enjoy an event like that would be if I was the only person there. If no one was with me I could let myself go and get exited without worring about losing myself in the crowd. Interesting huh?
I just wanted to share my revelation

I completely relate to what you're saying. I've found throughout my life that when the crowd goes one way, I go another. It's not so much that I make a considered decision. It's just where I always end up.
Like you, I don't like the feeling of being subsumed by a crowd's mentality. I feel like I'm losing my integrity. What if the crowd starts doing or saying things I don't agree with? Or, G-d forbid, starts doing something harmful? I'd rather stand apart and be the person on the other side who can observe and judge what's going on and make rational decisions. I'm very comfortable being that person. Even if I'm the only one protesting what the crowd is doing, I have my integrity and that's essential to my sense of myself.
So many terrible things have happened in the world because people got caught up in a crowd mentality. Perhaps a lot of Aspies are very sensitive to that because we have been the "outsiders" all our lives and understand the kind of hell that "the crowd" can make the life of an "outsider." Even if we've not had terrible experiences ourselves, we can look at other scenarios and understand that crowds can be very dangerous.
Perhaps that is the gift we bring.
P.S Mitharatowen, do you think that we look alike? Ever since I've seen your photo, you've reminded me of myself. I'm not sure what it is. Just wondering if you see anything in my photo that strikes a chord.