Does not being able to peruse special interest cause suicidal idealization?
If you somehow knew you could never access or peruse your special interests, would you continue to see a point in living? Special interests are my main autistic trait and if I couldn't peruse them or have access to them I would probably kill myself.
When my parents made me earn my computer time. Half an hour of computer time for every hour of school without a meltdown, I got very depressed. I was making my own video games and computer programs but never had the time I needed to complete anything properly. I was homeschooled but had a math disability and my mother's solution for it was to make me do extra math. Plus I was just overworked in general. But if I had a meltdown from exhaustion I had no way to decompress.
I'm an adult now and the only thing taking away my computer time is a power outage or something like that. But I no longer have to earn it by the half hour. I lost interest in making games after my parents started restricting my computer time, after I realized I didn't need to make virtual experiences of the things I wanted to do. I could actually do them. But if I am concerned that if I never could do those things (see my other post) that I actually would commit suicide.
I'm just wondering if anyone else feels the same way.
Spell meerkat with a C, and I will bite you.