I have always felt different from my immediate family, so I don´t think any of them have AS, although my Dad is in some ways quite "Aspieish"; (but I´m pretty sure he´s NT, as we had a conversation once about picking up subconscious signals in social situations). When I was younger, I was always amazed at how easily and naturally my mother, brother and sister handled themselves socially...(and I learned by patterning myself after my Mom and brother- sister was too young to copy).
I suspect AS in my Dad´s mother´s side of the family, although I can´t prove this. And I don´t know that side of the family too well now (grandmother is dead). They just do a big, huge, unmanageable, extended-family reunion about every 5 years, so up until now I was sort of on the sidelines of those events, it was all a blur. But now I have a sudden interest in that part of the family.
"death is the road to awe"