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21 Aug 2011, 12:37 am

I just found the site today, but it was such great timing that I am almost willing to say it was predestined.

Well, I am 27 and was only diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome about 4-5 years ago. Everyone here knows the things we go through that others simply do not understand. Typically, when I try to talk to anybody about the problems I have all I get is something along the lines of, "yeah, normal people have that problem too, what's your point?" Pretty sure you guys know the drill with these people. Eventually you just shut yourself out and stay away from people. Things got really bad three years ago and I admitted myself to the hospital because of anxiety and depression issues and constantly thinking of suicide. I just felt like, as a guy, people didn't take anything serious I said because around here there is the whole attitude of "guys aren't supposed to be emotional, or sympathetic". Last year I started taking classes at Liberty University through their online program. It has been a real chore, but I'm well on my way and majoring in Education (non-licensure) and Religion.

About a month ago I registered as a babysitter on Care's website. I never expected to get a call; but I got one today. The lady mentioned that she needed somebody to take care of her two autistic teenage boys after school once a week, and a couple of Saturday's a month. I was kind of floored. Here I am with Asperger's, taking classes so that I can help kids and teens not have to go through a lot of the things I did; and somebody wants my help to take care of their children with autism. I don't really know what to expect. She seemed to really like it when I told her that I need specific instructions on what she wants done around the house and what the kids are supposed to do. I cannot stand deviating from schedules, depending on the variation, it can make me just want to crawl in a hole and hide.

What kind of advice can you guys give? I mean, I cannot understand their exact situation; but I have the opportunity to give these kids something that most of us never had . . . somebody that can understand what it's really like. What it's like to be not only a teenage boy with all the changes and stuff going on, but all the quirky things we have dumped on us with Asperger's/Autism as well.

I really don't know how to make it in life on my own. I cry at the thought of having things change in life, but I know my grandparents won't be around forever, and the real world couldn't care less about any disorders and such I have. Maybe this is where I can finally fit in, helping out people that are going through what I have already been through. Yes, I had very abusive and unstable home growing up; but i also had J.R.O.T.C. and marching band. Then, for the last 14 years I have trained in martial arts. Eventhough I have a very hard time with touching (not only because of Asperger's, but also because of abuse), I actually enjoy grappling to an extent and have learned to deal with it. Just not with random people, I was uncomfortable for a long time, but I had a very understanding instructor and he helped me through it.

Anyway, just looking to get some feedback on what to expect. What can i do to prepare for this and so on. Thanks, I don't feel like I'm crazy anymore just after reading some posts here.


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Joined: 25 Mar 2011
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21 Aug 2011, 2:11 am

Congratulations on landing the job! I'm sure you will do very well, because you care so much about it. Have confidence in your abilities.