I see words as a group of letters formulated together that has been given meaning in order to help us communicate. Just like the words are man-made, so are the letters, so spiritually it has no real value. But, many religious orders will have you believe cuss words are a sin as opposed to how you use the words (any words for that matter). Seriously, what makes these words bad?
Another thing I don't get is the FCC. You can't say the Fword, but you can use any synonym of the word, like sex. What is even funnier is Lil John's Skeet Skeet...the FCC allowed that, but that's only because they didn't know what it was. I still don't think they know what it means. They even covered a cuss word with those words for radio purposes... "and I'll skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet" instead of "and I'll skeet skeet mother badword."
When I cuss in public and someone says something to me about it, I always say, "Tell me the name of the person who deemed the word a bad word, and I will stop using the word." If they continue, I add, "well, I'm really offended when you use the word (insert a word they just said). It's a bad word in case you didn't know. I will stop cussing when you stop." My grandma used to have the "m-word" which was marriage. When I was a kid, we weren't permitted to use that word around her. LOL. In the military, I was deeply offended when people used the S-word...Surrender.
I will also say once I was sitting at this Hardees with my sister. They were packed with people because it was just after the bars closed and they were one of the only places open at that hour to get food. It was loud with conversation, so my sister and I get this bright idea that we would just talk and then throw out certain words to see what caught people's attention to our conversation, and words such as alien and booger got more attention than the f-word.
I also remember eating at a Bob Evans (like a Perkins) with an exboyfriend, and we were talking about spirituality and the meaning of life, and some guy leaned over and said he was offended by our conversation. We weren't even cussing or anything like that. I get so offended at people's ignorance, but no one is worried about offending me.
But, I try not to cuss on forums because I don't want to get in trouble. Since I got kids, I personally have no problem with cussing around my kids, but I don't want people to think I'm a bad mom, so I don't cuss around them. Lately, I've been coming up with replacement words. My husband uses Gardenia instead of GD. Snap or shiznit instead of Sh.... Or frickalick for the f-word in a sexual sense. I actually have come up with some creative ones that I forgot what they were, but it's hard to come up with a word that comes out as natural as the cusswords, so I'm still working on it. I do find it fun to think about specific words that remind me of the cuss words...like word association. It's kinda funny at times. Like say a word immediately when I say the F-word. I usually come up with things like what I'm f-ing like the world, the police, or something like that as opposed to the sexual nature of the word. But I figure someday it will help me find a great replacement word.