poker_face wrote:
A generalisation about autistics is that they don't like to read fiction. What do people think of this? How many people on this board like to read fiction, if so what type of fiction.
I would say my reading consisted of around one quarter fiction, three quarters non-fiction. I certainly read a lot more non-fiction; I read a lot of reference books cover to cover. When I do find a novel I like, I tend to read it over and over again repeatedly.
I read quite a lot of children's/young adults' books, actually. I still enjoy a lot of the books I first read when I was nine or ten. Otherwise, I often read books dating back to the 1930s or earlier. I don't find much I relate to in modern adult fiction.
Ironically, considering that I'm not a huge fiction reader, I have written some fan fiction. I have a total inability to write original fiction. I believe it's related to the 'lack of imagination/need for elements of reality in imagination' factor: something does not become 'real' enough for my creative brain to believe in and think about - and therefore write about - unless I can first see it in front of my eyes.
I find it quite interesting in my writing that I find description and thought very easy to write, but action and dialog extremely difficult.