I just read a description of Executive Dysfunction, and it fits me to a T, especially when it comes to how it would negatively affect a person as a student at school. I've always been very bright, but have also consistently failed at doing classroom projects the way my teachers wanted me to. Even when they'd talk in detail about the planning phase of a big project, or making an outline of it first, or meeting several key deadlines along the way to completion -- that just frustrated the HELL out of me!! ! As a child, I was told I was "not following instructions", when I was trying desperately to do so. I was told I was being lazy, when I was the hardest working kid in the class, in terms of sheer effort put forth to succeed. The other kids just seemed to more or less breeze by their assignments, easily scooping up A's and B's, while I seemingly had NO CONTROL over what letter grade I would make on an assignment.
I have AS, ADHD, and OCD, so, according to the article I just read on Executive Dysfunction, it would make sense if I also suffer from aspects of that.
Those of you who know you have Executive Dysfunction, what is it like?
Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.