Describe your Autism traits
I am curious about other peoples' experiences with ASDs. I would like to ask you guys: what are your general Autism/PDD traits?
I will describe my Autism/PDD traits:
> Language/Communication:
- Flat or limited facial expressions (except when in good mood)
- Tend to create awkward silences
- Frequently find myself at a loss of words.
- Rarely initiates communication (in person)
- Repeats or echos words or phrases (mostly internally)
- Uses unusual vocal intonation/rhythm.
> Relating:
To people:
- Does not communicate with eyes.
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting.
- Seems content when left alone
- Seeks social contact in unusual ways.
- Uncomfortable in crowded places.
To the environment:
- Play is repetitive
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Develops rigid routines.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- exhibits panic related to specific sounds (i.e. motorcycles, garbage trucks, Dolby surround sound testing before films)
- strongly avoids certain clothes (i.e. jeans, shorts, non-cotton clothes)
- hyposensitive to heat (sweatpants/sweatshirts during summer)
> Executive Function:
- unable to perform mental task with distractions; need peace and quiet in order to focus.
- difficulty performing multiple mental tasks at once
> Emotional:
- social anxiety
- intense anger/frustration when things don't go as planned
- episodes of depression
> Socialization:
- rarely initiate conversation
- difficulty choosing appropriate topics or comments for conversations
- often don't see the point in conversations
- dislike talking
- dislike being around people
- come across as cold, distant, and socially awkward
Those aren't all of the autistic traits, just the ones that I exhibit.
Last edited by Abstract_Logic on 14 Jan 2009, 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
> Language/Communication:
- Flat or limited facial expressions
- Rarely initiates communication (in person)
- Repeats or echos words or phrases (internally)
- Earlier used vocabulary quite a bit above peers, and still understands a lot more than most.
> Relating:
To people:
- Does not communicate with eyes.
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting.
- Seems content when left alone
- Avoids contact
To the environment:
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Develops rigid routines.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible(NOW limited flexibility) interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- strongly avoids certain clothes (i.e. jeans, shorts, non-cotton clothes)(USED TO)
- strongly avoids certain noises and light
- hyposensitive to cold
> Coordination:
- poor coordination in some areas.
Main facial expression is not quick and expressive, usually, because my main focus is 'my thoughts'....Often depend on a *lasting* smiling expression, perhaps *much* more than the average person.....I think I probably keep a smile on my face, in social situations, more than 'most' people.......Little eye contact, no eye contact when I am speaking, but when others are speaking, moderate to limited eye contact (not always, it depends on the situation)....for the most part I make very little eye contact....this is a serious problem all my life.....and I did not always realize how 'different' I was eye contact-wise. I don't know how to 'judge' people very well. In groups I struggle with 'social hierarchies' and find them VERY strange. I have 'main' activities, and they are 'limited'. I do the same type of activities *alone*, often. I am easily startled when I am INTO an activity. I have some tactile defensiveness....and so I am not touchy feely on a causual person to person level. I can write A LOT better than I can 'speak'. I am uncomfortable in social situations. I avoid social contact for the most part. It makes me nervous. I love people 'from a distance'....but I love them VERY much. My babies helped me in the 'eye contact' department, and the relationship department. I am very in tune to 'physical needs' of innocent beings. I tire easily.
Mine are similar to others who have already posted, so I just copied them and modified as necessary:
> Language/Communication:
- Minimal facial expressions (I think this changes when I am really excited about something)
- Never initiates communication (when in the presence of new people)
- Repeats or echos words or phrases (in particular television and radio)
- Earlier used vocabulary quite a bit above peers, and still understands a lot more than most.
- Marriage counselor says I do not emote and talk from the neck up--compares me to Spock.
> Relating:
To people:
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting; often do not keep eyes focused in any direction.
- Is very content when left alone--especially if I have a computer, laptop, smartphone or other piece of technology. In the absence of devices (or boredom), I may wander around in circles.
- Enjoys personal space (no touching). In church when everyone meets and greets, I go to the bathroom.
To the environment:
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Some rigid routines.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- strongly avoids certain clothes (i.e. shorts, open-toe shoes)(USED TO)
- hypersensitive to cold (not hypo)
- occasionally sensitive to specific sounds (staplers and other similar sounds)
> Coordination:
- low coordination in some areas.[/quote]
My wife is responsible for the positive changes I have made.
Last edited by KazigluBey on 13 Jan 2009, 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
> Language/Communication:
- Minimal facial expressions
- Has difficulty with initiating communication
- Repeats or echos words or phrases
- Unlike most had a language delay
- Poor speech
- Lack of expression when communicating
> Relating:
To people:
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting; often do not keep eyes focused in any direction.
- Does not notice body language
- Enjoys personal space
To the environment:
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Some rigid routines.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- Irritated by certain materials
- Hypersensitive to heat and cold
- Hypersensitive to sounds at times
- Sensitive to taste, very fussy eater.
> Coordination:
- poor fine motor skills, gross motor skills are a little better.
> Language/Communication:
- Arthritic speech
- Rarely initiates communication (in person)
> Relating:
To people:
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting.
- Seems content when left alone
- Seeks social contact in unusual ways.
To the environment:
- Play is repetitive
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- sensitive to certain smells
- sensitive to hot and cold
- has an aversion to specific cloths, also a strong preference for other cloths.
> Coordination:
- catatonia
- certain motor skills lacking
> Language/Communication:
- Have difficulty with initiating conversation.
- Body language can be stiff.
- Tone of voice can be flat (except when I’m in a good mood).
- Tend to create awkward silences, frequently find myself at a loss for words.
> Relating:
To people:
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting.
- Needs personal space and privacy.
- Uncomfortable in crowded places.
To the environment:
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Exhibits strong interests (interests usually come before people).
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- Hypersensitive to sounds at times.
- Sensitive to taste/texture, fussy eater.
- Difficulty filtering out background noise when listening to someone talk.
> Executive Function
- Unable to perform mental tasks with distractions (need peace and quiet to focus).
- Difficulty performing multiple mental tasks at once.
- Difficulty remembering names.
- Procrastination / motivation issues.
- Perfectionism.
> Emotional
- Social anxiety.
- Mild agoraphobia.
- Intense anger/frustration when things don't go as planned.
- Interests can be all consuming.
- Episodes of depression/anhedonia (maybe bipolar II).
Some of this stuff may be co-morbid but I feel all these symptoms are related to my ASD in some manner.
Every ones different
Unfortunately life is tough, but in it there is give and take. I'm here more or less because My narrow topics of interest are boring those who care about me. No matter the situation, and often even if someone has been malicios, I forgive and would help in need. With a strong disposition intact through adverce circumstance. (just anxios for some air)
When big incedental situations compound in life, I get over stressed unlike NTs I know. I must walk away and be alone and quite, Shortly after, returning to the action, ready to dig into the primary problem, and progress through each succesive issue until all is back to copacity.
(If I get sucked into self description I will over emphasize nonsense)
Excellent coordination. Work a job where I can enjoy having it.
sense of a glimpse into the sixth parallel and eventuality, since near death 12 years and easy.
Menial work requiring no special anything except accuracy and tolerance for monotony and physical fitness. No real hang ups with clothing, just keep it loose.
Really It's hard not to care about other peoples views of ones self. Just try to not act in a way that other people are uncomfortable with. Like fidgeting or other awqward disjointed stance.
When I was a youth (A decade ago i took risks in many aspects of my life, Never got hurt and wouldn't like to take anything back, (Maby actualy hit back in a couple of fights,... no ...I could of hurt them), not an instigator, have pure simple intentions)
For the last decade I worked to acheive equilibrium and blend. With responsibilties and with a well rounded list of check marks (been there done that) in the passed. I had a family and life has become reasonably comfortable. (Life never stops and you musn't fall behind)
No matter what needs doin, with Your weight on my shoulders, the pain keeps me awake and shows me the purity of the human condition, and We will acheive that goal even better. Pile on some new ones and lets get movin!! !!
Love FOr YOu mE aND Who., Always whatever We do. (Unless I see you hurting someone, thats not happening around me I wont let You, You have to hurt me, and I won't falter,)
( "Died in a motor crash, I came back for you so you wouldn't be alone, and if I go away again.... You can have my STERIO")
(Its all I have left from twelve years ago)
I am sorry for editing this, But I was confused to have me hidden weaknesses brought to me attention when I wrote it the first time so .
Last edited by bigblock on 17 Jan 2009, 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Difficulty imagining and understanding other people's points of view/personality quirks/etc. (I just don't get other people)
Difficulty imagining future situations (I can never predict what's going to happen next - socially speaking, but sometimes in other ways too)
Difficulty imagining more than one possible outcome or course of action (and therefore rigid in routines, difficulty with change, etc.)
Tend to forget that people are not just objects with movable parts
Don't understand body language
Limited understanding of facial expressions and tone of voice
Don't like eye contact
Somewhat pedantic speech
Don't initiate conversation
Difficulty choosing appropriate topics or comments for conversation (I make a LOT of faux pas)
Don't see the point in conversation
Dislike talking
Dislike being around people
Come across as cold and distant
Happy being alone
Can't filter out visuals (ie get overloaded by bright/busy scenes. Also hate white walls and crater-like objects)
Overloaded by conversation and crowds
Can't focus on more than one thing at a time
Can't cope with many different sounds occuring at once or with loud, sudden sounds
Have meltdowns when too much is going on (screaming, crying, self-harming)
Retreat into own world a lot (and prefer own world to reality) to cope with strains of outside world
That's all I can think of at present. Actually it's probably pretty comprehensive.
The good old hand flapping is one
Eye contact can non existent or inappropriate such as staring at the wrong people like tough heavily built tattooed bikers
Bad at introducing myself
Sudden and sharp meltdowns
Overriding obsessions such as snakes and the weather
Not good at making and keeping friends
Poor at sport, especially team sport like basketball and football.
Usually only interested in sport for its factual statistics like scores and crowd attendances.
Limited range of facial expression and not really capable of returning facial expressions.
Such as it some one smiled I would not automatically smile back without thinking about it.
Mine are also similar to others who have already posted, so I just copied them and modified as necessary:
> Language/Communication:
- Minimal facial expressions
- Difficulty initiating communication
- Repeats or echos words or phrases (internally)
- Much of speech is derrived from piecing together segments of quotes from others
- Used college-level vocabulary as a pre-schooler, still have a much larger working/conversational vocab than most of similar education levels.
- Occasionally slur my words (in spite of speech therepy as a child)
- ZERO ability to spontaneously reciprocate emotion. Difficulty showing (or even remembering to fake) emotion.
> Relating:
To people:
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting, unless forced; often do not keep eyes focused in any direction.
- Is very content when left alone
- Enjoys personal space (no touching unless I initiate it).
To the environment:
- Is upset by or resists changes (Extreme as a child, better now). Still cannot stand sudden changes in plan.
- Some rigid routines.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- strongly avoids certain clothes (i.e. shorts, open-toe shoes)
- hypersensitive to Sound, Some Smells, and flashing lights.
> Coordination:
- Poor balance and relatively poor (but survivable) gross and fine motor skills.[/quote]
Not sure where this fits, but I stim constantly, in one form or another.
> Language/Communication:
- Flat or limited facial expressions (I always seem "sad" because I don't smile much)
- Rarely initiates communication (in person)
- Repeats or echos words or phrases (internally)
- Uses unusual vocal intonation/rhythm. (I tend to speak slowly with a monotonous tone)
> Relating:
To people
- Does not communicate with eyes (unusual expression / inapropriate)
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting. (I can make eye contact with my family and close friends)
- Seeks social contact in unusual ways.
- Dislike parties and being aroung a lot of people
To the environment:
- Is upset by change but accept it when obliged.
- Some routines
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests. (Work by phases)
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- exhibits panic related to specific sounds (i.e. cars, alarm clock, dogs)
- don't like to be touched when not prepared even by my family and friends
- photophobic
- can't stand the sound of a clock, of someone eating or clapping their hands
- strongly avoids certain clothes (mostly pants and tight clothes, wool)
- hyposensitive to cold, can't stand warmth / heat
> Coordination:
Well, my parents have been told that I could be/become dyspraxic with time so I have some symptoms...
- Poor balance
- Clumsy
- Other dispraxic traits (poor skill in sports, easily lost)
Other :
- Stimming most of the time
- Don't understand people / Is not understand by people
- Have a lot of imagination but not a very realistic one (I cannot plan the future easily, have no idea of my future job, etc)
- Lose concentration easily when not interested
- "Lose" myself in my obsession
- Have difficulty listening to people when there are a lot of noises
- Hates being interupted when doing something important
- Love to see my friend but dislike it when they visit with telling me.
- Difficulty choosing appropriate topics or comments for conversation
- Hate it when someone invade my privacy in a way or another
- Some OCDs apparantly (or I think so) and dyslexic / dyscalculic traits
By a list, it's easier to just say pretty much all of them in my case going by the diagnostic criteria and its associated text (except associated mental retardation and a special ability. However, associated features aren't needed).
Severity ranges from moderate to severe across all of them, which was confirmed by a psychiatrist this week.

Joined: 18 Oct 2008
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Posts: 2,774
Location: SpongeBob's Pineapple (England really!)
Poor coordination skills
Obsessions (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Poor social skills
Difficulty making friends
Hatred of (some) changes
Difficulty understanding stuff
Some kinds of fidgeting
Lack of interests (caused by not doing many new things)
Difficulty coping in public places
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
> Language/Communication:
- Flat or limited facial expressions (except when in good mood)
- Tend to create awkward silences
- Frequently find myself at a loss of words.
- Rarely initiates communication (in person)
- Repeats or echos words or phrases (mostly internally)
- Uses unusual vocal intonation/rhythm.
> Relating:
To people:
- Does not communicate with eyes.
- Eye contact is limited/fleeting.
- Seems content when left alone
- Seeks social contact in unusual ways.
- Uncomfortable in crowded places.
To the environment:
- Play is repetitive
- Is upset by or resists changes.
- Develops rigid routines.
- Exhibits strong and inflexible interests.
> Responses to Sensory Stimuli:
- exhibits panic related to specific sounds (i.e. motorcycles, garbage trucks, Dolby surround sound testing before films)
- strongly avoids certain clothes (i.e. jeans, shorts, non-cotton clothes)
- hyposensitive to heat (sweatpants/sweatshirts during summer)
> Executive Function:
- unable to perform mental task with distractions; need peace and quiet in order to focus.
- difficulty performing multiple mental tasks at once
> Emotional:
- social anxiety
- intense anger/frustration when things don't go as planned
- episodes of depression
> Socialization:
- rarely initiate conversation
- difficulty choosing appropriate topics or comments for conversations
- often don't see the point in conversations
- dislike talking
- dislike being around people
- come across as cold, distant, and socially awkward
I have a lot of routines that need to be met for me to do things, and I get frustrated when they're out of place
Not good at eye contact most of the time
Extreme sensitivity to touch, bright light, voices, moving objects close to me, heat, etc.
Can't wear long sleeves, am getting better about pants though and I absolutely cannot wear tight clothes
Very gifted in math, love for prime numbers and geometric and numerical patterns
Speech delay, fine-motor impaired (still have very bad fine motor skills)
Literal, "by definition" thinking
I could talk about my interests forever but I don't pay attention in small talk
Simply put, I'd rather stay home and spend time by myself than go out to a party
However, the common stereotype that people with AS hate sports, doesn't apply to me at all I love baseball - playing, watching, collecting, memorizing statistics, it's helped me made a lot of friends who I've been on baseball teams with. Also, I don't really have anxiety in social situations, it's more of the sensory issues I have problems with in daily life.
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