Hi mitharatowen
Don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you. I do now. It can be a rough ride.
A couple of things floating past me.
Meltdown is a very generic term, it doesn't mean the same to everybody.
I have so many damn official *smirk* labels behind my name I tend to forget what they even are anymore. ADHD, yup that's there, OCD yup that's there soon, Bipolar, yup that's there and more. Anxiety disorder, bad DX but yet I certainly feel it and get a med for it, bad medicine, no not the Valium, it works ok, umm sometimes. I have more then those that I mentioned as well. AS fits like a glove, when I add in a comorbid. But, I don't swallow that label fully either. I very well may not be. Misdiagnosed? More then once and hang on, some of those that have the "official" I have AS, may have been as well. It can be very dangerous to believe in labels, this whole thing called modern medicine will look like the dark ages at some point in time and I don't think it's that far off. But, we gots what we gots, for now. So to me it's kind of like the old which came first the chicken or the egg and I toss AS in it as well. Is AS a comorbid? Now that should have stirred up a can of worms, but it didn't, when I asked it. And this is not the place to stir it.
There might be another thing/s involved.
Things (labels insert), can mimic other things.
Things can over ride other things.
So what to do, what to do. Get tested if you can and not specifically for AS, but make damn sure the testers are informed, know about it and know about it well. If not, need more info.
Since I have just met you and I see others mentioning things happening in your life. I'm going ask a very simple question. Why are they happening? Now read the above last statement again.
Best I can do, an awful lot I don't know and I wouldn't presume to tell you, you have "X", anyway. But I would say, gee that one looks a lot like mine (insert label). And then refer you to the above sentance.
See I'm going through a really rough period too. And finally, finally finally, when I said else where, I drank two huge mugs of coffee, ate two giant candy bars, no the really really big ones, and fell fast asleep. But this time I said it when I was going through the current upheaval. And pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. I put in an emergency call to my therapist, I'll be there tomorrow and she can pull the string to get into the Vet Admin's Doc faster and we can get down to business and get rid of some of the bad DX's. And take care of this one. She is very open to AS as well, which is the first time any there have been, with the exception of my current VA therapist. She was so into what I had to say about it...well, maybe some of distant family are here now. I hope so. Hell for all I know she may be too. It can be a rough ride.
There is a ton more I would like to say, but I won't, unless you ask or better yet, talk more.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.